Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Jihad Chic: Imam Rauf's "Gift of Reconciliation"

The Phyllis Chesler Organization


Jihad Chic: Imam Rauf's "Gift of Reconciliation"

by Phyllis Chesler


December 6, 2010


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The propaganda campaign in favor of Islam is intense, subtle, clever, elegant, vulgar, massively well-funded, and incredibly well coordinated, synchronous, just like suicide bombings often are.

This "war by other means" is even more important, partly because it continues to "gentle" the West into submission by misinforming the public and partly because this kind of stealth warfare remains curiously and stubbornly below the radar of our intelligentsia and our media.

Let me say, as I always do, that most Muslims are not terrorists and are, themselves, in the clutches of very corrupt and evil leaders who are either old-fashioned tyrants or comprise a new form of totalitarian jihad. Some of the bravest Muslims in the world have been murdered by Muslim tyrants and terrorists, are sitting in Muslim jails, or are living in exile. However, the majority of Muslims have either been brainwashed or simply do not wish to risk their lives or those of their families by taking a stand against Islamic imperialism, colonialism, and intolerance.

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Related Topics: Jihad & Terrorism

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