Friday, December 10, 2010

Propaganda or 'Politics'

The Phyllis Chesler Organization


Propaganda or 'Politics'

The Perils of Friendship In 2010

by Phyllis Chesler

Fox News

December 9, 2010

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Propaganda, disguised as "politics," has a way of inserting itself into one's personal life in very unexpected and often unpleasant ways.

Some people cannot talk about Presidents Obama or Bush without getting into shouting matches and ending their friendships. Some families can only break bread together if they avoid talking about certain subjects.

The most incendiary topics of the day are Islam and Israel. These subjects are land-mines, always ready to explode.

Public attacks are one thing and are par for the course. Private attacks are something else entirely. Media censorship is one thing, social censorship is something else.

In the last seven years, I have attended funerals and been shunned by former feminist colleagues and friends. Their names would amaze you; then again, maybe not. I have attended lectures, parties, film screenings, and private dinners and been unexpectedly attacked in what was supposed to be "safe" or private space.

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