Tuesday, April 5, 2011

04-05-11: Father of 9/11 Hero's Moving Reaction to Holder's Announcement on Military Tribunals (Plus:Presidential Policy: Does It Make the Grade?)

Vin's Notes on Islamism: Part Six

Documenting Islamist incursions around the globe.

Vin Ienco

Koran burning and murder, calls to limit freedom of speech in favor of Muslims, and threats to bomb a Royal Wedding.


1.Video: Rush on Paul Ryan's (R) Next Budget "Substantively Superb, Politically Brilliant " 2. Video: Father of 9/11 Hero's Moving Reaction to Eric Holder's Announcement on Military Tribunals 3. Video: Beck TV: Afghans Chant ‘Death to America' After Friday Prayers 4. Video: Eric Holder Complains About Military Tribunal Venue for 9-11 TERRORIST Mastermind 5. Video: All-Female, American Sortie Flies Bombing Mission Against Taliban 6. Paul Ryan (R): Proposed Budget Cuts $6.2 Trillion In Spending Over The Next 10 Years - Puts The Nation On Track To Pay Off Our National Debt 7. Cost of Illegal Immigrants from a California Teacher Working in a Title 1 School 8. Administration quietly appoints Muslim Brotherhood to key posts 9. Video: Senate Judiciary Chairman Leahy (D): ‘Would Be A Prosecutor's Dream To Try' Sept. 11 Mastermind ‘In A Federal Court' 10. Video: Japan: Dog Reunited with Owner after Spending 3 Weeks At Sea Following Tsunami

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