Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Burning Korans

Burning Korans

April 6, 2011

There is a link to a two-part You Tube video that features Ann Barnhardt and her comments about the recent Koran burning by Pastor Terry Jones in Florida. It is so unique that you need to watch.

Freedom of speech is a vanishing concept ever since the invention of political correctness and multiculturalism by the elites of the West. The original concept of free speech was that an individual could express any political idea. Today free speech means that you can express an idea as long as it does not offend a minority. The super minority is Islam, since out of all minorities, Islam is the "most equal". In short, your speech can be free as long as it does not offend Islam. The right not to be offended is now the biggest part of the First Amendment, so it would seem. Free speech? No so fast, is anyone offended? Then you cannot say that. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion? Well, Islam is fast becoming the protected religion in America. Freedom of press? Sure, as long as Islam is not offended. Ann Barnhardt offends Islam and Lindsey Graham, a Republican Senator. First, she first attacks the near enemy, the apologists—a la Senator Graham, and then she attacks the far enemy, Islam. She shows us true courage by being a full-throated, uncensored, unvarnished critic of everything that the media, universities, and government have sugar-coated about Islam. Her strategy on Koran burning is that she burns its ideas, one at a time as she explains them. Offensive? Well, that depends on what offends you. If truth offends, then, yes, it is offensive. But the nature of political correctness is that truth is forbidden if it offends. Raw truth frequently offends, so get used to it. Watch Ann Barnhardt if you can take the truth at full blast, no holds barred.

Bill Warner, Director, Center for the Study of Political Islam Permalink copyright (c) CBSX, LLC,

Political Islam . com Suite 500 3212 West End Av Nashville, TN 37203

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