Sunday, April 10, 2011

Citizen Warrior = Tools For Our Educational Mission

Tools For Our Educational Mission

Tools For Our Educational Mission

Posted: 08 Apr 2011 10:01 AM PDT

THE ONE most important task we have to accomplish is to educate our fellow citizens about Islam's prime directive. For many people who remain ignorant about Islam, the only way their ignorance will be breached is through one-on-one conversations, because the sources of news and information they select, and the friends they hang out with, all reinforce their ignorance. For your personal friends and family members who remain ignorant about the disturbing nature of Islamic doctrine, you are our only hope. You must reach them and change their minds. That is your mission. This will require all you have, and more. You will have to reach in and become more than you ever thought possible. But you're not alone. Tools and resources are available to help you. Here they are: 1. How to approach a conversation about Islam. 2. Other methods you can use to persuade besides a back-and-forth argument. 3. Support and insight from your fellow counterjihadists. 4. A link to send to your not-yet-informed friends: Inquiry Into Islam. 5. Something to focus on in your conversations: Get them to take the pledge. 6. Something to help you in your ongoing discussions: Answers to Objections. 7. An organized group for political action. 8. Practical actions you can use to influence and educate others. Use these tools and resources to do the one thing that needs to be done: Educating our fellow non-Muslims about Islam. Once we've done that, the rest will be relatively easy. Concessions will be undone. The attempted encroachments of orthodox Islam will be blocked. Islam's reach will shrink. The tide will turn, and the Islamization of the free world will begin to reverse course.

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