Thursday, April 7, 2011

Freedom of Speech Triumphs in Ohio

Freedom of Speech Triumphs in Ohio

Freedom of Speech Triumphs in Ohio

Posted: 06 Apr 2011 01:49 PM PDT

THE CREATOR of the Elvis Chronicles sent me the following email. It illustrates the principle that orthodox Muslims will continue to try to curtail freedom of speech in every way they can, and they will never stop trying. But if enough non-Muslims understand the Islamic agenda, the efforts to curb free speech will fail every time. Here is the email: The Mansfield area NAACP and CAIR of Ohio tried to keep us from hearing Usama Dakdok at the Mansfield Senior High School, Mansfield, OH, last night. (See the news story here.) They pressured the Mansfield school district until Superintendent Dan Freund caved to their demand and declined to allow the presentation to be held in the school. But thanks to the perseverance of the Mansfield Tea Party and The Blood of Patriots organizations we were shepherded from the high school to first one building and then an even larger building to hear Dakdok. Everyone was welcome and some of the latecomers were Muslim. The only thing I knew about the event ahead of time was the title: "Freedom or Surrender" and that was enough for me to make the trip. It was my introduction to this Egyptian-born American Christian, and this short video clip will give you a taste of what I experienced last night. CAIR and the NAACP can rip Usama Dakdok all they like and it won't change the fact that the Q'uran says that, as a Christian, I'm an 'infidel' and a 2nd-class citizen. Like many of my 912 and Tea Party associates and friends, I've been learning about Islam and what the prophet Mohammed wrote for the Q'uran. In our area we have several trusted sources of information on Mohammed, Islam, CAIR, and the Muslim Brotherhood, for example, who are in agreement about the threat that Sharia law and "extremist" Islamists are to Ohio — to the entire United States — plus the few online resources. Usama Dakdok is now one of my trusted sources. Only one of the unexpected moments of last evening's presentation was the overwhelming video reminder of 9/11 and the haunting sound of "Taps" played over it. It brought me to tears. Usama begged us last night to read the Q'uran, as he has done many, many times (and he reads it in Arabic). It's the same message we got from our ACT! for America chapter leader on Sunday, and from each and every one of our respected and credible teachers here in our area. It's the only way we will learn the truth. (Our representatives will soon be receiving copies to read for themselves; I intend to call or write and ask if they have read them.) All the Muslims who denigrate Usama Dakdok call him a "bigot," (and by association, those of us who feel threatened by Mohammed's teachings) but Dakdok founded The Straight Way of Grace Ministry because he really wants Muslims to walk away from Islam. Dakdok truly loves his Muslim brothers and sisters, as Christ mandates, but his mission is to turn them away from Islam and toward Christianity. I encourage you to share this with everyone you know who is concerned about the threat of Islamists and shariah. We can run, we can even try to hide from the fact that 'infidels' all over the world are expected to submit to Islam — but it won't help.

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