Tuesday, April 5, 2011

"Wouldn't it be Better to Support the Peaceful Muslims (than to Criticize the Violent Ones)?"

"Wouldn't it be Better to Support the Peaceful Muslims (than to Criticize the Violent Ones)?"

"Wouldn't it be Better to Support the Peaceful Muslims (than to Criticize the Violent Ones)?"

Posted: 04 Apr 2011 11:11 PM PDT

EVEN IF the number of Muslims who believe in the basic political objective of Islam and are willing to vote in that direction (and take other actions) are as small a minority as people hope they are — this small minority is, by definition, more politically active and more committed than the "peaceful majority of Muslims." If the majority is largely silent and politically-inactive, then it doesn't really matter what they think. They are having no influence on the public sphere. In other words, the idea of stopping the Islamization of the West by strengthening, encouraging, and supporting politically-apathetic Muslims is a fool's errand. This approach will do nothing. It will not stop the politically-active Muslims, and it will have very little impact on the apathetic Muslims, since they don't really care much about politics or religion anyway, and they just want to live a normal life in peace. As a matter of fact, supporting politically-apathetic Muslims may even strengthen the recruiting efforts of the jihadists because they will correctly see it as "attacking Islam," since Islam strictly forbids apathy and commands active political participation from every Muslim. It seems very encouraging when people say, "The vast majority of Muslims are not fanatics about their religion's political goals." But I think the author of Why the Peaceful Majority is Irrelevant made a persuasive point when he wrote that totalitarian ideologies do not need a majority to take over, and they never have. A small number of committed fanatics can easily dominate a larger number of people who just want to go about their lives in peace. So let's try to answer this question: Which approach would work better? Option number one: Educating non-Muslims about Islam's prime directive so enough of us have enough knowledge to vote for policies that will stop the Islamization of the West? Or, option number two: Focus on supporting the peaceful Muslims. How would we even "support the peaceful Muslims," anyway? Give them more of a voice in newspapers, radio, and on television? That may actually make our situation worse, because almost no peaceful Muslims are publicly honest (or they are ignorant) about Islam's doctrine. So if they spoke their minds more freely in the media, even more people would think Islam really is peaceful and loving, and they'd be even more likely to be fooled by the politically active orthodox Muslims, and thus more likely to continue to yield to Islam's relentless encroachment, giving away concessions to these "peace-loving" people. No, supporting the peaceful Muslims will not solve the problem. The answer is to educate non-Muslims about Islam, so they know what's going on, so they stop being duped and deluded, and so they will help stop orthodox Islam's destruction of the free world.

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