Friday, June 3, 2011

06-03-11: Bashing Israel on Campus (Plus: Weiner's (D) Office Call Cops on Reporter)

Will Iran's Mullahs Use the Bomb?

Amil Imani

There is so much smoke around the Iranian Mullahs' bomb that makes Tehran's smog feel like a fresh ocean breeze, by comparison.



1. Video: Watch Weiner's (D) Office Call Cops on Reporter Trying to Get Interview
2. Video: Paul Begala's Weinergate Defense: ‘Who Cares' and ‘Consider the Source'
3. Video: TSA: Al-Qaeda and Affiliates ‘Continue To Pose A Serious Threat' to U.S.
4. Video: Rep. Paul Ryan (R) with FOX's Cavuto: Administration Not Showing the Leadership Needed to Fix Debt Crisis
5. Video: China Denies Reports of Hacking U.S. Diplomat Gmail Accounts - Rep. Allen West (R) Responds
6. U.S.D.A. Topples Food Pyramid With A Very Expensive Plate
7. Video: Soldier Surprises Girlfriend With Proposal at Baseball Game
8. Video: Administration: Libya Action Was Necessary to Protest Civilians
9. Video: Gov. Sarah Palin's Daughter Piper's Excellent Vacation
10. Video: Van Jones Says Paul Ryan's (R) Budget Does More Damage Than... Al Qaeda?

Choosing Our Own Candidate, What a Concept

Frank Salvato

In the primaries, why do Conservatives vying for the GOP nomination subject themselves to the results from two states that traditionally always voted for Democrats?

Bashing Israel on Campus, from California to New York

Stella Paul

City University New York was embroiled in a controversy over the awarding of an honor to an anti-Israeli playwright, but at University of California open anti-Semitism runs rampant.

Opportunity Missed, Opportunity Made

Mark Y. Rosenberg

The recent "reconciliation" between the two main Palestinian factions, Fatah and Hamas, has been described as: "The Arabs never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity."

There Are Consequences For Lying

Dr. Laina Farhat-Holzman

In cultures where lying thrives or is condoned, there can never be trust or harmony.

Today's Hot Topics

We choose, you peruse.

Flotilla Organizers Vow to Defy International Pressure

Steve Emerson

Turkish organizers of a flotilla aimed at breaking Israel's embargo on Gaza vow to carry on despite growing international pressure to back off.

Obama, Osama and a Love Struck Media

Roger Aronoff

Conflicting accounts of bin Laden's demise, virtually unquestioned by the mainstream media, highlighted how the president has been given an easy ride by press and pundits alike.

The Ick-arus of Capitol Hill

Michelle Malkin

Rep. Anthony Weiner appears to be falling from grace, like a latter-day Icarus, but he still cannot stop himself.


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