Monday, June 6, 2011

06-06-11: Stunning: 81 Percent of Mosques in America Promote Jihad. (Plus: Must Reads by Morgan, Imani & Adelman)

The Death of Ilyas Kashmiri

by Adrian Morgan, The Editor

On Friday night, a Pakistani jihadist who was once tipped to replace bin Laden was killed in a drone attack. Who was Ilyas Kashmiri, and will his demise lead to greater security?



1. Video: Timeline of D-Day (Normandy Landing) Anniversary of 6th June 1944
2. Video: Gov. Sarah Palin's (R) FOX - Chris Wallace interview
3. You know how Sarah Palin said Paul Revere warned the British? Well, he did. Now, who looks stupid?
4. Video: Darrell Issa (R) to subpoena White House (D) over Project Gunrunner
 5. Video: Along with 9.1 % Unemployment, Administration Speaking at U.S. Auto Factory...Touts China's Fancier Airport and Europe's Fancier Trains
6. Video: Klavan's One-State Solution: Give the Middle East to the Jews
7. Video: 30th Anniversary of Reagan's (R) Historic Notre Dame Speech
8. Video: Weinergate - Major Garrett: ‘Every Indication is That He Did It'
9. An entourage more royal than the Queen's

The Audacity Of Hate

Gadi Adelman

Later this month there will be another flotilla sailing towards Gaza trying to end the Israeli naval blockade. With the Rafah crossing with Egypt now open, why is the 2011 flotilla happening?

The Coming of the Mahdi

Amil Imani

According to Iran's religious elite, it is the sacred duty and privilege of every Muslim to do all he can to hasten the death of the old world and the birth of the global Islamic Ummah.

Mosques as Barracks in America

Andrew Bostom

A recent study shows that 81 percent of mosques in America promote jihad.

Destroying the Dollar

Alan Caruba

The Federal Reserve's answer to the fiscal crisis, some fear, is to print more money and to continue to buy U.S. debt with it. It is doubtful, however, this Ponzi scheme will continue.

The Obama Peace Plan: Rahm Emanuel Is Wrong

Dr. Rachel Ehrenfeld

Obama's attempt to explain that his intention in referencing the 1967 lines will lead Israelis and Palestinians to negotiate a border different than the June 4, 1967 one is unconvincing.

Obama, Holder Pursuit of Sheriff Joe Arpaio Continues

Jim Kouri, CPP

For disregarding the Obama administration's indulgence of criminal aliens and for enforcing of statutes regarding illegal aliens, Maricopa County Sheriff's Office is demonized..

Today's Hot Topics

We choose, you peruse.

Liberal vs Conservative: A Spiritual Battle.

Lloyd Marcus

The battle being fought in America today goes beyond politics. It is not simply about right vs left. It is a spiritual battle of good vs evil.

Muslim Brotherhood Riding the Crest of Arab Spring

Dr. Walid Phares

While civil society uprisings in the Middle East, which Dr. Phares predicted, there are also Muslim Brotherhood attempts to play the role of the Bolsheviks vis-à-vis these revolts.

Islam's Viral Stasis

Edward Cline

Islam is not "evolving" even though it is spreading like a virus. Is it capable of growth, capable of becoming anything other than a 7th century doctrine of submission?

How's This for an Ultimatum: Get Out, or Else

Diana West

Afghan leader Karzai's ultimatum is now well-known but the name of a U.S. Marine, whose death led to the fighting that Karzai condemned, is hardly heard of in the U.S. media.

The Real Egyptian Revolution

Caroline Glick

As the Muslim Brotherhood gains more power, Israel's military (IDF) must expand its draft rolls and increase its force size by at least one division.

Polish Government: Bestselling Book Marks "Historic Moment"

W. Thomas Smith, Jr.

Thousands of Polish resistance fighters who died defending their country during World War II and who are now honored by this book and its international acclaim.

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