Friday, June 10, 2011

06-09-11: The Dilemma of Saudi Women Drivers (Plus: Half of Americans Anticipate Another ‘Great Depression'

The Consequences of Making your Privates Public

by Nancy Salvato

The new habit of "sexting" - of which Anthony Weiner is the most famous proponent - brings up numerous moral and social ramifications.



1. Practically Half of Americans Anticipate Another ‘Great Depression' in Next 12 Months - CNN Poll
2. Help Wanted The Latest Economic Numbers Are Alarming
3. Video: Napolitano: Concentrating Terrorists Screening Efforts on Muslim Men Under 35 is Not Good Logic
4. Video: DISGRACEFUL: Union Protesters Disrupt Special Olympics Ceremony
5. Video: "Daily Show" Slams "Insane" Weiner (D) For Apologizing To Bill Clinton (D)
6. That Look, That Weiner-Spitzer-Clinton Look
7. Video: 3 Reasons Not to Fund Art with Our Taxes - Public funding of art...does the Gov't have the authority?
8. Video: Take a Tour of The Military‘s 'Doomsday Plane' That Can Survive a Nuclear Blast
9. BREAKING: U.S. judges seem receptive to health care challenge

The Dilemma of Saudi Women Drivers: Islamic Sharia Law and Gender Equality

Al Fadi

In Saudi Arabia, a religious fatwa bans women from driving, even though women in other Muslim nations can drive. What is the position of women under authentic Sharia Law?

Today's Hot Topics

We choose, you peruse.

Janet Napolitano

June Rites of Passage

W. Thomas Smith, Jr.

Ninety three years ago, U.S. Marines forged for themselves an international reputation during a grisly close-quarters slugfest in northern France.

Diagnosis Communism: An Interview with Brad Zinn

Gary H. Johnson, Jr.

A comedian, political activist and Christian who is a mainstay of the Arizona Tea Party movement gives his views on life, communism, and the threats facing society today.

Gender-Bending Lesson

Tom McLaughlin

Boys can be boys, or girls, or something in between. Anyone who disagrees can already get sued. This is mandatory teaching in Oakland from kindergarten right through to twelfth grade.

America's Hidden Epidemic: An Interview with Arnold Mann

Roger Aronoff

Arnold Mann has chronicled hidden poisoning of American citizens, by toxic mold in homes, formaldehyde poisonings of Katrina survivors, Gulf of Mexico oil spill clean-up and more.

Caption Contest: June 9 - 14, 2011

Can you come up with the funniest photo caption?

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