Sunday, June 5, 2011

Adam Gadahn Urges American Muslims To Answer The Call Of Islam

Adam Gadahn Urges American Muslims To Answer The Call Of Islam

Adam Gadahn Urges American Muslims To Answer The Call Of Islam
Gotta love those silly "COEXIST" bumper stickers, which include Islam in among the other religions, despite the fact that Islam's mission (per the Quran and Hadith) is not "coexistence" but the conversion or death of all who do not believe as they do.

I have no problem "coexisting" with anybody who believes in anything -- even the silliest anything -- as long as their belief system doesn't command the murder of anyone who doesn't believe as they do, or of gays, or women who commit adultery. Here's the latest scumbag doing Islam's bidding:

More on what Islam's all about from Educate yourself, will you?
The Myth:

Islam is completely incompatible with acts of terrorism. It is against Islam to kill innocent people.

The Truth:

Islam does prohibit killing innocent people. Unfortunately, you don't qualify.

...In fact, the definition of "terrorism" in Islam is ambiguous at best. And the definition of an "innocent person" in Islam isn't something that Muslim apologists advertise when they say that such persons aren't to be harmed. The reason for this is that anyone who rejects Muhammad is not considered to be innocent under Islamic law.

...Even within the Islamic community there is a category of Muslims who are also said to bear guilt - greater even than the average non-believer. These are the hypocrites, or "Munafiqin," whom Muhammad referred to in the most derogatory terms. A hypocrite is considered to be a Muslim in name only. They are distinguished either by an unwillingness to wage holy war or by an intention to corrupt the community of believers (by befriending Christians or Jews, for example).

When Muslims frequently kill Muslims in the name of Allah, they usually do so believing that their victims are Munafiqin or kafir (unbelievers). This is actually a part of Islamic Law known as takfir, in which Muslims are declared apostates and then executed. (A true Muslim would go to paradise anyway, in which case he or she could hardly be expected to nurse a grudge amidst the orgy of sex and wine).

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