Friday, September 2, 2011

09-02-11: School with Global Muslim Brotherhood Ties Closes [PLUS: The "Children of 9/11" ]

America's Uncle Omar Problem

"Omar" is Onyango Obama, the illegal alien deportation fugitive who is the Kenyan half-brother of President Obama's father.

by Michelle Malkin

Lax enforcement of deportation orders and asylum loopholes allow a proliferation of illegal aliens, and more than a few jihadists, to establish themselves in the U.S.



1. VIDEO: The September 12th issue of People Magazine features the "Children of 9/11"
2. VIDEO: Neil Cavuto discusses increased cost for parents and "Back to School" shopping needs
3. VIDEO: Fear of ‘Prejudiced' Label May Have Silenced Whistleblowers about Ft. Hood Shooter
4. VIDEO: New Black Panther Party Member Teaches ‘Black Survival' Tactics With Guns and Kids
5. Two Christians severely beaten for refusing to convert to Islam

6. VIDEO: Black Conservative Kevin Jackson Responds to Rep. Carson's Assertions That the Tea Party Would Like to See Blacks Strung Up On Trees
7. VIDEO: Twin Towers still stand in movie cameos. CNN reports on the best World Trade Center film clips.

8. VIDEO: Chris Christie to Congress: Forget the spending cuts for a minute and pass that disaster aid money now - IMPORTANT TO NOTE: The country is broke!
9. Open Letter to the Edinburgh University Student Association on Boycotting Israel

10. VIDEO: MSNBC Analyst States Conservatives Rejected President's Request for Speech Because of 'Color of His Skin'

Which "Defamation of Religion" Does the UN Human Rights Commission Dislike?

Dr. Laina Farhat-Holzman

Political correctness now permeating universities, liberal governments, and, of course, the United Nations Human Rights Commission, focuses on protecting Islam from criticism...

Here Comes the Sun:

And There Goes Man-Made Global Warming

Andrew Bostom

An experiment has shown that cosmic rays have a direct effect upon weather and climate, showing that the sun's magnetism is more important to warming than human activity.

Minnesota School with Global Muslim Brotherhood Ties Closes its Doors

The Global Muslim Brotherhood Daily Report

A Minnesota Islamic charter school, named after the Muslim general who conquered Spain in 711 AD, has closed down.

Today's Hot Topics

We choose, you peruse.

Who Killed the Iranian Nuclear Scientists? I Ask the Dead Spook...

Dr. Michael Ledeen

In a fictional exchange, Michael Ledeen discusses the possible identities of those who have recently murdered Iranian nuclear scientists.

Missile Defense: Light in the Depth of Darkness

Riki Ellison

New ballistic missile system should be able to intercept incoming enemy missiles before they can hit their targets.

Quote of the Day - September 2, 2011

On liberty and learning....

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