Thursday, September 15, 2011

09-14-11:No "Common Ground" With the Left [PLUS: Koran Demands ‘Jihad' …]

Obama's Big Green Boondoggles

Michelle Malkin

Buried in the details of the latest government jobs bill are yet more big green boondoggles that will reward cronies, waste taxpayer dollars and make no dent in the jobless rate.



1. VIDEO: George W. Bush ‘back in the hood,' warns isolationism is ‘dangerous'
2. VIDEO: Dick Cheney on Afghanistan and Iran on "The View"
3. VIDEO: Ex-Muslim Author: Koran Demands ‘Jihad' & Teaches Believers to ‘Hate' Christians and Jews
4. Columnist: Beware of Leftist Assault on America's Kids
5. VIDEO: Flashback 2007: Tim Russert and Chris Matthews Agree Social Security Is 'A Bad Ponzi Scheme'
6. VIDEO: Federal Appeals Court Considers Sharia Law - The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) joined CAIR in challenging this anti-Sharia measure.
7. Understanding Poverty in the United States: Surprising Facts About America's Poor
8. Materialism Dominates Family Life As Parents "Pointlessly" Amass Goods For Their Children To Compensate For Long Working Hours

9 . VIDEO: Obama to Congress: What On Earth Are You Waiting For?
10. AUDIO: Rumsfeld Cancels NY Times Subscription Over Krugman's 9/11 Attack

No "Common Ground" With the Left

Christopher Adamo

The examples of truly hateful and divisive rhetoric abound, and are invariably found on the left. Yet the instigators of such heinous actions are never held to account.

Will America Continue to Stand Up to Terror?

Presidential Policy: Does It Make the Grade?, James Carafano, PhD

This president's counterterrorism strategy is undergoing transformation from "Bush-lite" to becoming "Clinton-redux."

From Blood Stripes to Bloody Ridge

Military History, W. Thomas Smith, Jr.

Commemorating the anniversaries of this week's defining events in American military history.

Today's Hot Topics

We choose, you peruse.

Lessons from the Embassy Takeover

Caroline Glick

Until last weekend, both the Israeli Left and the US foreign policy establishment believed the situation in Egypt was not significantly worse than it had been under Mubarak.

Al-Qaida in Pakistan: Down, But Not Out

Steve Emerson

Despite some main Al-Qaida operatives being targeted, there are still enough willing footsoldiers and enough key elements of its command structure to pose a threat.

Making the World Safe for Jihad and Sharia: Libya

Diana West

U.S. and Nato interventions in Islamic countries seem only to be making these nations more amenable to hardline Islam and sharia "justice."

'Middle' America Indeed

Salena Zito

Despite the polarizing hysteria whipped up in the media, many citizens in Middle America are neither fully progressive nor conservative in outlook.

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