Tuesday, November 8, 2011

11-08-11:CIA Continues to Hide Evidence on Vietnam Era MIAs [Plus: School District Cancels Classes For Islamic Holiday]

CIA Continues to Hide Evidence on Vietnam Era MIAs

Bob Smith

When the Vietnam war ended, there were still U.S. servicemen, classed as Missing in Action, who were thought to be alive. Why does the CIA continue to be evasive on this issue?

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1. VIDEO: Liz Cheney Scolds Bob Schieffer: Talk about the issues people care about
2. Islamic Seminary Issues Fatwa on...Birthdays?
3. VIDEO: Navy's New Multi-Mission Coastal Combat Ship in Action: Lethal 'Lego' - Navy unveils combat ship with changeable features
4. VIDEO: Is the DNC Planning to Circumvent North Carolina's Right-To-Work Status?
5. Gallup Poll: Conservatives 42%, Liberals 21%
6. VIDEO: 'Occupy D.C.' Goons Push Elderly Woman Down the Stairs - This 78 year old rode 11 hrs on a bus to attend the "Tribute to Ronald Reagan" dinner.
7. VIDEO: School District Cancels Classes For Islamic Holiday - Coming to a neighborhood near you?
8. Mrs. Clinton chastised for falsely concluding the Iranian democracy movement wanted the U.S. to stay silent in response to their demonstrations in Tehran.
9. VIDEO: Muslims Protest NYPD Surveillance - Law may not be on Muslims' side in NYPD intel case
10. SATIRE VIDEO: Steven Crowder Joins #OccupyWallStreet

Iran's MAD Strategy has a Strategic Rationale

Dr. Walid Phares

Iran's nuclear plans are part of a strategy that includes threatening America into a stalemate while it gathers a nuclear weapons stockpile at home.

Madness Marches On

Foreign furies aren't over for U.S.

Peter Brookes

It may seem that all's reasonably right with the world, but the Middle East, for instance, is aflame with challenges to long-standing American interests -- and leadership.

The Anarchic Impulse in Zuccotti Park

Herbert London

The Occupy Wall Street demonstrators have converted themselves into roving bands restricting traffic and occupying nearby buildings. Do they have an underlying philosophy?

Today's Hot Topics

We choose, you peruse.

Why Iran Might Welcome Bombing

Amir Taheri

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Jewish Group Ignores the Elephant in the Room

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Italy Wobbles, and a Demon Appears in the Clouds

Dr. Michael Ledeen

The British press is calling for Italy's prime minister to resign, and amidst Italy's chaos, a demon is revealed, lurking within the brush marks of a 13th century fresco.

Terrorism and Sharia - Sweet Charity

The Global Muslim Brotherhood Daily Report

Donations to a charity with a track record of getting funds to terror group Hamas are up, and in Egypt, the Brotherhood is using charities to push itself forward politically

ICE Officials Told Nobody of Clandestine Deportations

Immigration News Update

A policy in Arizona, called "stipulated removal" allowed tens of thousands of illegal immigrants to be quietly deported, rather than being held in costly detention centers.

Quote of the Day - November 8, 2011

FSM: Quote of the Day

Who lost the Arab World?

Failing Schools a Sign of Failing National Character

Learning's Labors Lost

Ralph Peters

Our teachers and their students reflect our general culture of indiscipline and self-congratulation. Are schools really places of learning any more?

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