Monday, October 1, 2012

10-01-12: Benghazi Worse than Watergate (Plus: Krauthammer, Kirsten Powers, Pat Buchanan )

FSM video  picks + 2012 site


·  Krauthammer to Fellow PBS "Inside Washington" Panelists: I Can't Believe You Guys Are Covering For Obama on This Libya Disaster

·  CNN Hammers Obama Administration for 'Downplaying' Libya Terrorist Attack

McCain Mic

·  Sen. McCain said the Obama administration's reaction to the Libya attacks show "willful ignorance or abysmal intelligence."

·  U.S. Congressman King: Susan Rice Should Resign For Misleading On Libya


·  Kirsten Powers: The mainstream media is ignoring the Obama administration's shifting explanations for the U.S. Consulate attack in Libya-and the very real terror threat it implies

·  Univision exposes Mexican massacre by the Cartel using guns from Fast and Furious

·  Landmark Calif. Burger Joint Forced to Shut Down Over ADA Lawsuit


·  Pat Buchanan : Benghazi ‘cover-up' indicative of Obama foreign policy ‘collapsing right under him'


·  New reports that WH knew Libya attack was terrorism early on

In Case You Missed It

·  IS THIS WORSE THAN WATERGATE? ABC News and Jake Tapper discuss how the Obama Administration Mislead the Public regarding the 9-11 Anniversary Consulate Attack in Libya

·  Netanyahu draws "red line" on Iranian nuclear program

·  Heated Exchange: Megyn Kelly Takes Former Democratic Pollster to Task for Steering Conversation about Obama's ‘View' Appearance into ‘History Lesson' on His Foreign Policy

·  Did the U.S. Taxpayers spend $1.4B on Obama family perks in 2011?

·  U.S. Soldier Shot By Taliban Gun Fire, Keeps Fighting

·  ‘Won't back Down' stars undaunted in face of union protests of school-choice movie

·  Panetta: Benghazi 'Was A Terrorist Attack'

·  15 days later, FBI still can't gain access to Benghazi consulate

·  Whoopi Goldberg ‘Bleeped' During Heated Debate With Ann Coulter

·  Israeli Defense Force Office Posts Self-Defense Instruction Video - Starring a Female Instructor Kicking Butt!


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FSM Must Reads + 2012 site

Benghazi Worse than Watergate

Watergate caught numerous public officials lying, including the president of the United States, but Benghazigate has all that and more.

The Vilification of Freedom of Speech

American press yearns for less freedom, sees censorship as "anger management" tool to prevent "violence."

Afraid of the political backlash? White House tries to block sequester layoff notices

The White House moved to prevent defense and other government contractors from issuing mass layoff notices in anticipation of sequestration, even going so far to say that the contracting agencies would cover any potential litigation costs or employee compensation costs that could follow.

As college student, Eric Holder participated in ‘armed' takeover of former Columbia University ROTC office

Holder, now the United States' highest-ranking law enforcement official, has given conflicting accounts of this episode...Holder has bragged about his involvement in the "rise of black consciousness" protests at Columbia.

This is another important piece chronicling the perverse nature of an ill-advised battle strategy chosen by a mindless body politic and their morally defunct General Grade surrogates.

Are Jewish Settlements Built on Arab Land?

Not even the so-called "unauthorized" or "illegal" Jewish settlements, those that the Israeli government has not fully and expressly authorized, are built on Arab-owned land.

Pat Caddell Says: Media Have Become ‘Enemy of the American People'

I think we're at the most dangerous time in our political history in terms of the balance of power in the role that the media plays in whether or not we maintain a free democracy.

The Next Inheritance

What then will the next administration inherit from the current one? What does 2012 look like compared to 2008 in the foreign policy arena?

US House Blocks Obama Administration's Plan to Send $450 Million to Egypt

The Obama administration's plan to transfer $450 million in cash to Egypt hit a roadblock Friday as a top House committee chairwoman blocked the move, saying it warrants further review.

Why Turkey Will Never Join the EU

In Turkey, the administrators of the Kemalist governmental model - comprising Muslims who understood Islam intimately - suppressed Islam not to deny freedom of conscience but to enable it.

In the Shadow of Ahmadinejad's Hotel

I took a stroll Wednesday evening to where Ahmadinejad is staying, in midtown, at the Warwick Hotel. U.S.-provided (and funded) security was tight when he stayed there last year.

Housing, Diminishing Returns and Opportunity Cost

It's not about "saving" housing; it's about saving the banks.

Susan Rice, UN ambassador, should resign after Libya attacks, Peter King says

Rice "was the vehicle by which they transmitted this misleading message to the American people and the world," King told CNN.

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