Friday, October 5, 2012

10-05-12: Government employees told to chant "our forefathers were illegal immigrants."

FSM video  picks + 2012 site


·  3 Weeks After the Attack: FBI agents on the ground at US Consulate in Benghazi


·  For which presidential candidate, was a Philadelphia high school student kicked out of class?

libya consulate staff_return casket_andrews

·  Despite Threats, U.S. Cut Security in Libya Before Attacks


·  Professor: "Illegal Immigrant" is a "racist and classist" Term


·  Stakelbeck on Terror Show: The West and Free Speech


·  Footage of Demonstrations Held in Tehran over the Economy

school_cafeteria_lunch_spuds ap

·  The HUNGER Games - A Parody of the 2012 School Lunch Program


In Case You Missed It

·  Cheney: Looks like Obama tried to cover up the terror attack on Benghazi consulate

·  Finish high school in two years? Plan could save taxpayers money

·  ALARMING! Washington's Dilemma - Soaring debt and a budget Congress can't balance. This VIDEO explains WHY. Every person in AMERICA should watch this video!

·  Three Days After Denouncing Child Soldier 'Slavery', Obama Waived Sanctions on Countries That Use Them; When Will Media Report?

·  Presidential Debate Memories: Al Gore Creeps on George W. Bush

·  Who is the man behind the terrorist attack in Libya that killed four Americans?

·  FBI offering $50G reward for Massachusetts man wanted for supporting Al Qaeda

·  SATIRE: NewsBusted 9/28/12


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FSM Must Reads + 2012 site

U.S. Added More Debt on First Day of FY13 Than From 1776 Through Pearl Harbor

The federal government added $93,245,605,914.16 to its debt on October 1, the first day of fiscal 2013.

Jobs, Taxes, Oil, Investment and Debt

Since the 2009 recovery began, US household income is down 8%. The national debt has climbed nearly $6 trillion. Oil has averaged near $100 a barrel, nearly triple what it was in 2009, and we are sending $300 billion overseas to buy it. While OPEC is getting rich, we are going broke.

Government training , included exercise in which employees were told to chant "our forefathers were illegal immigrants."

Judicial Watch made the claim it released a handful of documents pertaining to the program -- and alleged that the sessions held by the government ended up enforcing political views more than promoting tolerance.

Obama Would Have Sent bin Laden to Civilian Court

The Hill reports that President Obama has said he would have had Osama bin Laden sent to a civilian U.S. court for a criminal trial if the Navy SEALs had captured him, as opposed to killing him.

The Balkanization of America, Part II: A Clear and Present Danger

must read

Given the growing fiscal crisis of public-sector America, people are demanding answers to the back-breaking costs imposed by illegal immigration upon our schools, prisons/corrections, and healthcare systems and other public goods and services.

Tokyo's Military Options

With a U.S. poised to drawdown its military commitment to Asia, along with the widespread belief in Japan that you cannot count on the U.S. nuclear umbrella and protection of the sea lanes over the long term, change seems inevitable.

‘Mainstream' Media Making A Desperate Last Stand?

That liberal "journalists" are able to engage in such behavior while professing, with totally straight faces, to embody objectivity and professionalism is a testament to their consuming devotion to their real cause, which is a wholly political one.

Egyptian President Morsi: A Fugitive Addresses World Leaders

Hard core Islamists like Morsi have always been thrown behind bars by Egypt's dictators in order to prevent successful insurrections and the rise of full-blown Sharia.

Residents In Cash-Strapped School District Enact ‘Parent Patrol' Security

Fed Up With Kids Being At Risk, They Have Taken Matters Into Their Own Hands

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