Monday, October 8, 2012

10-08-12: Lt. Col. Fired for Criticizing Islam (Plus: Mauro and Adelman)

FSM video  picks + 2012 site

Libya -us-embassy-attack-

·  Lt. Col. who headed up a Special Forces Team in Libya told CBS that his team and a State Dept elite force left Libya in August despite the fact that officials wanted security INCREASED.

obama laugh

·  Career intel officers: Obama's not telling you how far Al Qaeda has penetrated into Libya and Egypt


·  "Band of Mothers" 'Founder - Fed Up' Advocate Suspicious Illinois Fed Prison Will House Gitmo Detainees

baby crying

·  Michelle Obama's NEW School Food Rules Shut Down School Ice Cream Fundraiser


·  Was Chris Matthews Taken Away in a Straitjacket?


·  Lawmakers call Chinese telecom firm Huawei a national security threat

voter fraud

·  Florida Releases List Of ILLEGAL VOTERS - is there time to remove names before election day?


·  Why does this lawmaker refuse to say Pledge of Allegiance?


In Case You Missed It

·  3 Weeks After the Attack: FBI agents on the ground at US Consulate in Benghazi

·  For which presidential candidate, was a Philadelphia high school student kicked out of class?

·  Despite Threats, U.S. Cut Security in Libya Before Attacks

·  Professor: "Illegal Immigrant" is a "racist and classist" Term

·  Stakelbeck on Terror Show: The West and Free Speech

·  Footage of Demonstrations Held in Tehran over the Economy

·  The HUNGER Games - A Parody of the 2012 School Lunch Program

paper doll cut outs - your contribution means alot


What+the+(Bleep)+Just+Happened crowley

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FSM Must Reads + 2012 site


Lt. Col. Matthew Dooley Fired for Criticizing Islam at Joint Forces Staff College

US Army Lieutenant Colonel Matthew Dooley was condemned by the Joints Chiefs of Staff (JCS) and relieved of teaching duties at Joint Forces Staff College for teaching a course judged to be offensive to Islam.

Brotherhood Interfaith Partners Pounce on Anti-Jihad Subway Ads

The Brotherhood's friends decry "Islamophobia' over pro-Israel ads.

Reality: In Their Own Words

The question "when will the West wake up to the truth" has been asked by me and numerous others over the past decades. I never thought that it would be asked by a high ranking retired Royal Saudi Navy Commodore, let alone during the height ‘Arab Spring'.

House Committee, Led by Rep. Issa, Subpoenas U.S. Security Leader in Libya

GOP-led House committee subpoenas leading security official at US consulate in Libya for hearing, in attempt to learn details about deadly terrorist attack.

The Wreckage of Benghazi

Why did the Obama administration go to such lengths early on to portray the attacks as "spontaneous"? Why did it take more than three weeks for U.S. investigators to reach the scene?

The Mystery Drone Shot Down by Israel: Was it from Iran and Hezbollah?

Drone carried with it Iranian message to Israel regarding any future conflict

U.S. Diplomats in Libya Begged for More Security to No Avail

House Oversight leaders sent a letter to Hillary Clinton asking why requests for more protection were denied to the U.S. mission in Libya by officials prior to the violent and deadly terrorist attack that killed Ambassador Stevens.

The Saudis Have a ‘Modest Proposal' for Women

Some government official has come up with a perfect solution: female-only cities in which the women would run factories, banks, enterprises, and this would help raise the level of Saudi entrepreneurialism.

Three Critical Questions about the Libya Attack

There are serious questions that remain unanswered, that go to the heart of our intelligence and national security policies in the Middle East.

The Practical Problem of Muslim Violence

The Muslim world has a surplus of three things, crime, religion and oil. The oil is used to fund crime in the name of religion.

Failing the Mentally Ill

Rael Jean Isaac interviews Clayton E. Cramer, author of 'My Brother Ron: A Personal and Social History of the Deinstitutionalization of the Mentally Ill,' 2012, available from Amazon.


Government training , included exercise in which employees were told to chant "our forefathers were illegal immigrants."

Judicial Watch made the claim it released a handful of documents pertaining to the program -- and alleged that the sessions held by the government ended up enforcing political views more than promoting tolerance.

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