Tuesday, October 9, 2012

10-09-12: Gov. Romney’s Comment & History’s Strange Bedfellows

FSM video  picks + 2012 site

·  The White House Disinformation Campaign on Libya

·  State Department Labeled Libya Attack Coordinated Terrorism Within 24 Hours

·  Catholic Archdiocese ends its support for the Susan G. Komen citing concerns that the Foundation gives money to the NATION'S BIGGEST ABORTION PROVIDER - Planned Parenthood

·  NPR Anchor Compares Use of "Illegal Immigrant" to Nazi Germany

·  Ayaan Hirsi Ali on Dutch TV Oct 8 2012

·  ‘Heaven Is Real': Neurosurgeon Who Once Doubted Out-of-Body Experiences Describes His Own

·  BREAKING: Governor Mitt Romney Delivers Address On Foreign Policy In Virginia

·  MEDIA WATCH - MSNBC: Was Ambassador Stevens Responsible For His Own Death?

·  Libya embassy staff told 'to do with less'

·  Murdered ambassador sent cable warning of threats on day of Benghazi attack

In Case You Missed It

·  Lt. Col. who headed up a Special Forces Team in Libya told CBS that his team and a State Dept elite force left Libya in August despite the fact that officials wanted security INCREASED.

·  Career intel officers: Obama's not telling you how far Al Qaeda has penetrated into Libya and Egypt

·  "Band of Mothers" 'Founder - Fed Up' Advocate Suspicious Illinois Fed Prison Will House Gitmo Detainees

·  Michelle Obama's NEW School Food Rules Shut Down School Ice Cream Fundraiser

·  Was Chris Matthews Taken Away in a Straitjacket?

·  Lawmakers call Chinese telecom firm Huawei a national security threat

·  Florida Releases List Of ILLEGAL VOTERS - is there time to remove names before election day?

·  Why does this lawmaker refuse to say Pledge of Allegiance?

paper doll cut outs - your contribution means alot


What+the+(Bleep)+Just+Happened crowley

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FSM Must Reads + 2012 site

School Lets Dems Register Students to Vote, But Not GOP

Florida Republicans are outraged after a school district allowed a pro-Obama organization to conduct student voter registration drives and deliver speeches to classes - but denied the Romney campaign similar opportunities.

The Islamic Threat Doctrine and 9/11/2012

A dark feeling of betrayal and stunned disbelief washed over me as I read the newspaper headline, "Jordanians press for democratic reforms" in the October 6, 2012 Orlando Sentinel.

CBS Reporter Lara Logan Rails Against ‘Major Lie' of Last Two Years in Candid Speech: Islamists Are Still Strong as Ever

Lara Logan was raped in Tahrir Square during the Arab Spring. She was gang raped by the democracy-loving protesters, the Arab Spring. Lara Logan has learned the hard way who's involved in the Arab Spring, and it wasn't an outbreak of democracy.

Gov. Romney's Comment & History's Strange Bedfellows

Mr. Romney was correct to point out that government programs have created an ever larger class of dependents who believe government has a responsibility to care for them.

Egypt's Christians - Distraught and Displaced

"Most Christians living near Egypt's border with Israel are fleeing their homes after Islamist militants made death threats and gunmen attacked a Coptic-owned shop."

Free Speech, Muhammad's Character - and Ours

Following violent Muslim reactions to the amateurish Innocence of Muslims video, international and domestic Islamic agendas are openly converging with vehement calls for universal application of Islamic blasphemy law.

Iran's New Weapon: Cyber Terrorism is a Clear and Present danger

Not making headlines are cyber devices that have joined his terrorist arsenal. Credible intelligence shows that Iran is using DDoS (denial of service) attacks.

5 terror suspects from UK appear in U.S. courts

Radical preacher was extradited from UK to face charges of conspiring to establish terrorist training facility in Oregon, and the 1998 abduction of 16 tourists in Yemen.

EPA's ‘Science' Evokes Nazi Death Camp Memories

"You may die from this." That did not, however, deter the EPA from conducting the study in which participants were exposed to such particles.

Jindal, Christie set to head national Republican Governors Association

The Republican Governors Association is set to tap Gov. Chris Christie and Gov. Bobby Jindal to head the organization, raising the national profiles of two politicians often mentioned as future presidential candidates.


Lt. Col. Matthew Dooley Fired for Criticizing Islam at Joint Forces Staff College

US Army Lieutenant Colonel Matthew Dooley was condemned by the Joints Chiefs of Staff (JCS) and relieved of teaching duties at Joint Forces Staff College for teaching a course judged to be offensive to Islam.

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