Thursday, October 11, 2012

10-11-12: Only one Agent was left with Ambassador Stevens as the Siege Turned Violent in Benghazi (Graphic Photo warning)

FSM video  picks + 2012 site

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·  Can the White House be believed? Amb. Bolton sounds off on the Congressional hearing in the Benghazi terror attack -- and the puzzling White House explanations in the scandal

·  ISSA OPENING STATEMENT - "The Security Failures of Benghazi"

·  Lt. Col. Wood: "On the Ground Truth" about Security in Libya before 9/11 Attack

·  CNN's O'Brien Furiously Spins to Blame Republicans in Congress for Dead in Benghazi

·  ABC's Jake Tapper Confronts White House on Crumbling Libya Story: ‘Didn't President Obama Shoot First and Aim Later?'

·  Rep. Trey Gowdy Explodes at Libya Hearing: ‘I Want to Know Why We Were Lied To'


·  CBS' Lara Logan Slams Obama Admin for Pushing "Major Lie" That Taliban Is Weakened

·  The Cycle's S.E. Cupp Spars With Krystal Ball Over Libya

·  Heritage Panel of Experts - including Peter Brookes: The Intelligence and Security Failure in Libya

·  Fox's "LIBERAL" Shep Smith Goes Off On Gov't Over Failure to Protect Libyan Consulate

In Case You Missed It

·  "Intelligence" - What did this president know -- and when did he know it?

·  Obama State Department Holds Conference Call On Benghazi Terror Attack - Why did they Exclude FOX News?

·  MEDIA WATCH: MSNBC Host: Without Affirmative Action in Colleges, the ‘Entire Leadership of America Would Become Entirely White'

·  On eve of House hearings, State Department finally admits: No, there was never any protest outside the Benghazi consulate before the attack

·  Practicing physician gives a Non-partisan, thorough explanation of PPACA (aka Obamacare) and what it means to all Americans.

·  ‘Oh, S**t!': CNBC's Santelli Gets Into Knock-Down, Drag-Out Shouting Match Over Jobs Report

·  Ret. Marine John Bernard on Islam and Counter-insurgency Strategy in Afghanistan

·  Breitbart 'Obama Debate TelePrompter' Video Makes Pat Buchanan Lose It

·  House to hold hearing on US Consulate attack in Libya

·  Grumpy cat becomes Internet sensation

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FSM Must Reads + 2012 site

State Department Officials Testifies: Only one Agent was left with Ambassador Stevens as the Siege Turned Violent in Benghazi

Several agents tasked with defending murdered Ambassador Stevens left his side to retrieve their weapons and armor as the consulate in Libya came under attack by heavily armed militants, according to testimony provided by State Department officials during an often tense congressional hearing on the attack.

Obamacare Subsidizes Abortions for Women Making $90,000

In all previous federal programs, including the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program, such tax subsidies for overall plans that include elective abortions were forbidden by law.

Jack Welch: I Was Right About that Strange Jobs Report

The economy would need to be growing at breakneck speed for unemployment to drop to 7.8% from 8.3% in the course of two months.

Libya Cover-Up Vindicates Bachmann

What is the truth about the horrific attack in Benghazi on September 11th, 2012 that killed our ambassador to Libya and three others?

Tributes to Totalitarians

Wilson, Roosevelt, and Kennedy were not totalitarians, but their basic political agendas, at first interventionist and regulatory, are the groundwork for eventual total government.

Notorious Anti-Semite and 9/11 Denier Now Head of Egypt's Gov't Religious Dept.

The appointment was made by the Minister Dr. Talaat Mohamed Afify Salem who has been described as a member of the Salafist movement in Egypt and as an "ally" of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Are Solyndra Owners Trying to Avoid Paying Their Taxes after Costing American Taxpayers More than a Half-billion Dollars?

The IRS urged a bankruptcy judge to reject Solyndra LLC's bankruptcy plan, saying it amounts to little more than an avenue for owners of an empty corporate shell to avoid paying taxes.

Jewish leaders enraged over Obama appointment of anti-Semitic, Anti-Israel envoy to the OSCE conference

Jewish leaders expressed outrage over the State Dept's praise for, and defense of, a controversial Muslim leader who has defended terrorist groups and suggested that Israel may have been responsible for the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist

Obama's National Security Advisor

There's a video of the President's national security advisor, praising Islam and the Arab culture to an unidentified group of Arabs that is so revealing that it should be probable cause for his removal from office.

News Bulletins We Would Like To See

In a surprising move yesterday afternoon, hundreds of leaders of Mexico's famed drug cartels lay down their arms and declared an end to their trade in illicit drugs.


Matt Damon's Anti-American Movie Funded by Enemies of America?

The nations that produce and export much of the world's oil are populated by wealthy princes, emirs, sheikhs, Imams and mullahs who provide financial support for violent jihad.

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