Saturday, October 6, 2012



If you only read one article in this week’s Newsletter, please read the following report from Immigration Watch Canada:


By November 1 every year, Canada's Immigration Minister is required to announce to Parliament the number of immigrants Canada expects to take in the coming year.

Here is some advice to Canada's Immigration Minister Jason Kenney, PM Harper and his party, all other political parties, and all politicians at all three levels of government across Canada

(1) Recognize that many Canadians have been overwhelmed by the flood of immigrants who have arrived in the past 21 years. Recognize that Canadians have as much a right to defend their country as other people do to defend theirs. Most Canadians would not refer to Chinese defending China or East Indians defending India as an example of "yellow supremacy" or to blacks defending many African countries as an example of "black supremacy". Yet Canadians hear a host of political and media hacks screaming "white supremacy" when Canadians try to defend Canada. Recognize also that platitudes like "We are all immigrants" are a cowardly response to this flooding. Canada was a country long before the flood of 1991 to 2012 began. Long ago, immigrants who have come here recognized that Canada was superior in most ways to their countries of origin. Otherwise, why would these people have left their countries? For some time, a number of these new arrivals and their ethnic supporters (who have been here a number of years) have wanted to flood Canada with their own people, apparently so that they can re-create the inferior environments that they came from. What sense is there in this?

(2) Instead of apologizing to ethnic groups who have used Canadian government apologies to maintain or increase their own immigration levels to Canada, many politicians now should apologize to Canadians for helping to perpetuate the immigration flood. In addition, our politicians' duty now should be to take immediate action to stop the flood. What could be more sensible?

(3). Acknowledge that the flood has been a state-sponsored assault on Canadians and that, in its effect, it has not differed much from the assault that a number of governments, for example those in Syria and Libya, have conducted on their own populations. There are many ways to destroy the lives of people besides bombing them and cutting their throats. Denying them employment is one way. Intimidating them into silence and inaction with the race card is another. So far, there have been none so silent as the job-displaced. Along with this announcement, institute a National Truth and Reconciliation Commission and order  the guilty federal, provincial, and municipal politicians who have conducted  the assaults on Canada to appear before these commissions. Demand that they provide details of their participation in the national disgrace caused by this flood.  What could be more just?

(4) Acknowledge that, through intimidation and obfuscation, the immigration lobby has succeeded in dominating Canada's immigration policy for many years and that their role has to end. Send these people packing. Admit that these people have caused enormous damage to Canada.  Mr. Chungsen Leung, an immigrant from Taiwan and Immigration Minister Jason Kenney's Parliamentary Secretary,  has recently used the term "disgusting" to describe an interview that an immigration reform group had posted on their web site. For Mr. Leung's benefit, describe to Canadians the grossly-disgusting mutual grovelling that has occurred for many years between many MP's and the immigration lobby at so-called "immigration consultations". From now on, reveal the truth that Canada needs very little immigration. For immigration advice, go to real Canadians. What could be more logical?

(5) Assert loudly and clearly that immigration exists for the benefit of the majority of Canadians, not for the needs of immigrants. For years, our federal political parties and their provincial counterparts have assumed the latter. For example, they have appointed immigrants as the heads of immigration policy committees. Not that long ago, immigrants held seven of 12 positions on Canada's Standing Committee on Immigration. All of our governments have to get the following point through their heads : Canada has no duty to increase the numbers of visible minorities. Immigration does not exist so that so-called "Diversity" can be created. Here is a simple question to illustrate this point : Can any Canadian imagine going to the Punjab, to China, or to any African country and proclaiming. "We have come to make you diverse !!! " At the very least, people in those countries would deliver a solid boot to such arrivals and send them packing. And they would be justified in doing that. The call for so-called "Diversity" is the last resort of the immigration lobby who know there is absolutely no reason for Canada to be taking 250,000 immigrants per year.  Isn't it long overdue to end the "Diversity" nonsense?

(6) Announce to Canadians that Canada will return to a Tap-On / Tap-Off immigration policy. In other words, announce that if Canada has some need which it cannot satisfy within Canada, it will allow some immigration. But the 250,000 gravy train, and all the fraud that has accompanied,it is over. Acknowledge that the current immigration intake of 250,000 immigrants per year is completely out of control, that it is an abnormality in Canada's immigration history and that it is the highest per capita in the world. Most important of all, admit that Ottawa has never provided any sensible justification for that yearly average of 250,000. Admit that  former Immigration Minister Barbara McDougall originated the policy in 1990 in order to have her party ( the Progressive Conservatives ) get more of the immigrant vote. Most important of all, admit also that the 250,000 intake has persisted because none of Canada's federal political parties or their supporters at all three levels of government has had the courage to stop this policy. All have placed their pursuit of the immigrant vote ahead of the interests of the majority of Canadians.  When can we expect sensible policy to displace senseless policy?

(7) Acknowledge the economic damage Canada's immigration intake has had on the country. Start with its students who have assumed huge debt loads to get future employment. Add our own unemployed. Many in both groups cannot find jobs because both have been forced to compete with immigrants for employment. To add insult to injury, young white male children of long term Canadians have been victims of Rosalie Abella's so-called Employment Equity programme, which has resulted in widespread Employment Inequity and Injustice. End the "Employment Equity" policy that gives preferential hiring to visible-minority immigrants. Huge numbers of these people now occupy positions in federal, provincial and municipal governments, in our educational system at all levels, and in private business solely because of their race. Isn't this absolute nonsense?

(8) Admit the huge environmental and economic damage that the immigration flood has caused. In particular, look at the foolish efforts that have been made by our cities to manage "Supply" for things such as affordable housing when they should have shouted to Ottawa to decrease "Demand" for such things. "Demand" reduction (decreased immigration) could easily have resulted in more affordable housing. Our cities have limits to the space they govern, but they continue to act as if their space can take unlimited numbers of people. They refuse to admit that a relentless immigration inflow has been a major reason why housing has become unaffordable . A significant number of our cities and towns are guilty of this attitude. The most guilty has to be Vancouver which hypocritically proclaims that it wants to be the Greenest City on Earth, yet it does absolutely nothing to reduce immigration and thus control the size of its population.  Vancouver speaks to Ottawa on many other issue. Why has it not spoken up on the immigration one ???

Mr. Kenney, Prime Minister Harper and all other politicians at all three levels of government, here is an important question :

Wouldn't instituting these changes correct a large number of Canada's problems?

Freedom of Speech
"To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize."
~  Voltaire ~
Free speech distinguishes the West from the rest
It should be clearly understood that there is no reasoning with mobs, and any sign of weakness in terms of appeasing mobs by acknowledging or giving in to their demands amounts to stoking their wild frenzy.

Stop calling criticism of Islam "Islamophobia"

To accuse all opponents of Islam of harboring a deep-seated hatred, rooted in irrational fear, is a serious mistake, exemplified by the sweeping and liberal usage of Islamophobia.

We are first a republic and as such are protected by our Constitution that guarantees your right to take part in such loathsome demonstrations as illustrated above, should you choose; and our right to be offended and try to counter with more free speech.

Moral Reform for the Muslim World
What the Muslim world needs is moral reform, not political reform. Without moral reform, political reform empowers the people to be at their worst while they take refuge in the magical thinking that justice will come from an Islamic order, rather than from accountable government and common ethics.

A Terrorist’s Canadian Homecoming

The mystery remains as to whom in the Pentagon hierarchy or Oval Office overrode the Military Tribunal and prosecution of the killer of an American soldier. Was it President Obama? Secretary Gates? Whoever it was, Sgt. Christopher Speer’s family as was Layne Morris, who had been wounded in a firefight, was denied justice.

Psychology: Deradicalizing Muslim terrorists

Nicholai Sennels is a prison psychologist who has dealt with more than a hundred criminal Muslims. Based on his professional experiences and conclusions, he has written extensively about the psychology of the Muslim mentality and violence, including being involved in the court case against the killer and Guantanamo prisoner Omar Khadr.

And last, but not least, a youtube by the one and only Pat Condell:


ACT! FOR CANADA/Quebec Chapter

The news items, blogs, educational materials and other information in our emails and on our website are only intended to provide information, news and commentary on events and issues related to the threat of radical Islam. Much of this information is based upon media sources, such as the AP wire services, newspapers, magazines, books, online news blog and news services, and radio and television, which we deem to be reliable. However, we have undertaken no independent investigation to verify the accuracy of the information reported by these media sources. We therefore disclaim all liability for false or inaccurate information from these media sources. We also disclaim all liability for the third-party information that may be accessed through the material referenced in our emails or posted on our website.

This newsletter is not the official newsletter or communication of ACT! for America, Inc. This newsletter is independently operated by ACT! for Canada named on this communication. The statements, positions, opinions and views expressed in this website, whether written, audible, or video, are those of the individuals and organizations making them and do not necessarily represent the positions, views, and opinions of ACT! for America, Inc. or ACT! for Canada, its directors, officers, or agents.

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