Monday, October 8, 2012

Libya: The Obama Administration's war on America

Thanks to ATLAS for this,, MUST READ People!!!

Libya: The Obama Administration's war on America



In an extraordinary cover-up in the continuing campaign of disinformation and treason, the Obama administration blamed our freedoms and system of governance for the bloody act of war in Libya on September 11, 2012 that his administration was ultimately responsible for. Read this.
Obama administration flummoxed at how to deal with rise of al qaeda in North Africa that they helped create 

Practically everything the Obama adminstration tells the American people is a lie.

Obama aided and abetted the al qaeda revolution is Libya, dismantled our security forces, and fed our embassy personell to the jihadi savages.

And Obama and his cabal of conspirators accuse Romney of "lying" in the debates. His contempt for the American people knows no bounds. This dwarfs Watergate.

Security Team Commander Says Ambassador Stevens Wanted His Team to Stay in Libya
U.S. Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens wanted a Security Support Team, made up of 16 special operations soldiers, to stay with him in Libya after their deployment was scheduled to end in August, the commander of that security team told ABC News.

The embassy staff’s “first choice was for us to stay,” Lt. Col. Andrew Wood, 55, told ABC News in an interview. “That would have been the choice of the embassy people in Tripoli.”
"Ex-U.S. security team leader in Libya: "We needed more, not less" security staff" CBS
CBS News) The former head of a Special Forces "Site Security Team" in Libya tells CBS News that in spite of multiple pleas from himself and other U.S. security officials on the ground for "more, not less" security personnel, the State Department removed as many as 34 people from the country in the six months before a terrorist attack in Benghazi that killed Ambassador Chris Stevens and three others.

Lt. Col. Andy Wood will appear this week at a House Oversight Committee hearing that will examine security decisions leading up to the Sept. 11 terrorist attack on the U.S. compound in Benghazi.

Speaking to CBS News correspondent Sharyl Attkisson, Wood said when he found out that his own 16-member team and a six-member State Department elite force were being pulled from Tripoli in August - about a month before the assault in Benghazi - he felt, "like we were being asked to play the piano with two fingers. There was concern amongst the entire embassy staff."

"They asked if we were safe," he told Attkisson. "They asked... what was going to happen, and I could only answer that what we were being told is that they're working on it - they'll get us more (security personnel), but I never saw that."

Wood insists that senior staff in Libya, including Ambassador Stevens, State Department Regional Security Officer Eric Nordstrom, and himself, all wanted and had requested enhanced security.

"We felt we needed more, not less," he tells Attkisson.

Asked what response their repeated pleas got from the State Department in Washington, Wood says they were simply told "to do with less. For what reasons, I don't know."
"We tried to illustrate... to show them how dangerous and how volatile and just unpredictable that whole environment was over there. So to decrease security in the face of that really is... it's just unbelievable," Wood tells CBS News.

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