Friday, October 5, 2012

Victims of the Iranian Jihad Savagery

SAVAGE is a UNDERSTATEMENT after reading this heart breaking essay,, do YOU want to live under this SHIT???!!!!!

Victims of the Iranian Jihad Savagery

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Pamela Geller of Atlass Shrugs is running an “ad campaign” in the New York subway system titled: “In Any War Between The Civilized Man and the Savage, Support the Civilized Man – Support Israel, Defeat Jihad.

This campaign is intended to counter previously run campaign by pro-Palestine Muslim groups condemning Israel. The campaign is being expanded to include support for American Troops, the Copts, the Hindus, Nigerian Christians, Thailand, the Baha's – who are at the receiving ends of Jihadi atrocities around the world.

It is important to understand that it was Prophet Muhammad who initiated Jihad savagery by ruthlessly assassinating and mass-murdering opponents, critics and non-believers. And the sacred example, set by the prophet of Islam, today runs through the destructive and murderous works of Osama bin Laden, Major Hasan, Mohammad Atta and all other Jihad Muslim killers and murderers.

Geller's ads are not just words. Millions of real human beings having brothers, sisters, and parents were savagely butchered by the Jihadi savages and conspicuously continues today. To understand the sheer savagery of these diabolical Jihadis, let us take a look at torture and murder of the following Iranian women.

When one sees these ads, one may think of Mona Mahmudnizhad, a young Baha’i girl, who, at the age of 17, was murdered along with 10 of her comrades in 1983. Look at her smiling youthful face. She was murdered for being a Baha’i.
Murdered by Islam

murder by islam:Mona-Mahmoudnejad-Neda-Aghasoltan-Taraneh-Mousavi-Atefeh-Rajabi
Then there was Atefeh Rajabi, aged 16, who was hanged for being raped by an Islamist Republican guard.
Taraneh Mousavi, 19 aged, was raped and sodimized.
Neda Aghasoltan, 26, was shoot death on the street of Tehran.

Dina Parnabi who was hanged, her body stripped, washed and delivered for dissection at medical school.
Few other lives, sacrificed at the alter of the Iranian Jihad savagery are: (1) 23-year-old Roya Ishraqi, a promising veterinary student, executed with her 50 year old mother, Izzad Janami Ishraqi; (2) 20-year-old Akhtar Sabit, a graduate nurse; (3) 28-year-old Mahshid Nirumand, a physics graduate from the University of Shiraz; (4) Shirin Dalvand,  25; (5) Tahirih Siyavushi, a 32 year old nurse; (6) 20-year-old Simin Sabiri; (7) Zarrin Muqimi, and (8) the oldest,  54-year-old Mrs Nosrat Yalda'I.

Americans can count themselves lucky that they don’t have to live under the savage Jihadi Islamist regime of Iran that destroys life at whims in order to impose Islamic tyranny.

Neda Aghasoltan was brutality murdered in Tehran in front of TV cameras during the unrest following the rigged election of Ahmadinejad. For Neda Aghasoltan’s story go to: (

Dina Parnabi was an Iranian high school student, accused of smuggling forbidden literature and criticising the regime in her talks with her classmates. She was hanged on the 10th of July 1984 in a Teheran prison. The hanging was done in private and after the execution was over, her body was stripped, washed and delivered for dissection at medical school.

16-year-old Atefeh Rajabi was hanged in public in the town of Neka Atefeh. Atefeh was executed for “engaging in acts incompatible with chastity.” At the place of execution in the town’s square, the judge personally put the rope around the girl’s neck and gave the signal to the crane operator to begin her hanging. Witnesses reported that she begged for mercy and had to be dragged kicking and screaming to the execution truck. Judge Haji Rezaie said, he was pleased to hang her and is quoted as saying, "Society has to be kept safe from acts against public morality." Her body was left dangling from the crane for some time, so people could see what may happen to teens, who committed acts incompatible with chastity.

According to one estimate, 187 of such murdered young women were under the age of 18, 9 girls under the age of 13. The youngest girl executed was just 10 years old. Thirty two of these women were reported to have been pregnant at the time of their execution. Many of those executed were high school and college students. Hanging is the most common method of execution for women, although some are shot. Men and women were hanged in large groups in Tehran prisons from cranes and forklift trucks. Each crane jib or forklift had a wooden or steel beam to which the noose was attached and when the preparations were complete, the prisoners were simply hoisted into the air.

Under Islamic Revolutionary law, young girls, who were sentenced to death, could not be executed if they were still virgins, because the savage Mullahs of Iran believe that virgins go to heaven. So, they were "married off" to Revolutionary Guards and prison officials in temporary marriages (mu’tah) and then raped prior to executing them. The Mullahs believed that these women, thus deprived of their virginity, were ungodly and would not be able to go to paradise. Normally, on the night prior to execution, the condemned girl was injected with a tranquilliser and then raped by her guard(s). After the execution, the religious judge at the prison would write out a marriage certificate and send it to the victim's family along with a box of sweets.

Many young Iranian women have been raped and brutalized in dungeons by the Islamic thugs of Ahmadinejad, often suffering gang rape and sodomy, often leaving their sexual organs seriously damaged as hospital records show.

Unlike Neda, who was shot in the street in front of TV cameras that recorded her horrifying dying moments for the entire world to witness, Taraneh suffered out of sight, out of sound.

Very beautiful Taraneh Mousavi, a young Iranian woman, was literally scooped off the streets without any provocation on her part and with no arrest warrant. This young woman was taken to one of the Islamists torture chambers where she was repeatedly brutalized, raped, and sodomized by Ahmadinejad’s agents and with the consent of  the “supreme leader” Ali Khamenei.

Near death from repeated beating, raping and sodomizing, the fragile young woman, bleeding profusely from her rectum and womb, was transferred to a hospital in Karaj near Tehran. Eventually, an anonymous person notified Taraneh’s family that she had had an “accident” and had to be taken to the hospital.

Mona Eltahawy, proud jihad savage, vandalized
Geller's NY Subway ads
The devastated family rushed to the hospital only to find no trace of their beloved daughter. The thugs of the savage Mullahs, the foot-soldiers of Allah’s “divine representative” Ali Khamenei, had already taken steps to eliminate all traces of their savagery on Taraneh. Those savage beasts had removed the dying woman from the hospital before the family’s arrival, burned it beyond recognition and dumped her charred remains on the side of a road.

What appears to be her fault is her exquisite beauty, which caught attention of the Jihadi cadres of the Ayatollahs. She was singled out for the special treatment of gang-raping by her torturers.

Mona Eltahawy, a leftist Egyptian journalist, who was sexually assaulted by the Islamic thugs during the Egyptian revolution in 2011, and called her attackers “wild beast”, found the Pamela Geller ads so unrealistic and offensive that she tried to destroy it by spraying paints. It should be noted that American Journalist Lara Logan was gang-raped and French journalist Caroline Sinz stripped and sexually molested by freedom Jihadis during the revolution, while after the election in June 2012 British journalist Natasha Smith, 21, was violently attacked by a 'group of animals' who stripped her naked, scratched and clenched her breasts and 'forced their fingers inside her'.

However much does Mona Eltahawy want to claim Geller’s “Savage Jihad” ads are fictitious, it’s not fictitious at all. Savage Jihad is real. We will just have to remember Mona, Neda, Atefeh, Dina, Taraneh and countless more victims to realize that.


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