Tuesday, March 5, 2013

03-05-13: And By the Way, World War III Just Broke Out...

FSM video  picks + 2012 site

SchoolShooting_ newton CT large

breaking news light

·  MUST WATCH: NJ school teacher says the Newtown school principle should have been armed. Teacher lectures Assembly on Gun Control


·  America is becoming a chaotic country - Obama is NOT trying to solve our problems. Media defends president.


·  Surreal: Get a Closer Look at China's ‘Ghost City'

muslims bless hitler

·  Dutch TV shows Muslim kids praising Hitler, hoping for new Holocaust

lunch room _ kid _ school

·  Latest red tape for school lunches: A look at newly-proposed regulations - another unfunded mandate


·  Woodward Slams Axelrod to His Face, Calls Out 'Goal Post' Lie

no sharia

·  Opposing shariah considered a crime, according to Euro-Jihadi


·  CBS Invites All-Liberal Panel to Discuss Catholic Church ‘Reform'


·  Colorado Dem to Rape Survivor: A Gun Wouldn't Have Helped You against Rapist Because ‘Statistics Are Not on Your Side'


·  Mystery surrounding death of prized show dog - Was Cruz the Samoyed poisoned?

In Case You Missed It

2012 + OBAMA+ WINK

·  SATIRE: SNL: Obama Admits, ‘I Really Have No Idea How Money Works'

dolan_cardinals Rome 2013 _ LARGE

·  What traits do Catholics need in next pope? Vatican summons cardinals for conclave


·  Eye-opening report on higher education in America

diplomomats-murdered_libya 2012

·  Senators Demand Benghazi (Libya) Answers Before Brennan Vote

andrew mccarthy

·  Andrew McCarthy on Benghazi (Libya): ‘Decisive action could have saved American lives'

bible  251 x 174

·  The stars of the new HISTORY series, The Bible, reveal their own favorite passages from the book.

home schooling_mom

·  German family seeking asylum in US to homeschool kids


·  Is Brennan CIA nomination in trouble?


·  National Security Experts Warn: Reject Brennan as the next Director of the Central Intelligence Agency

paper doll cut outs - your contribution means alot


What+the+(Bleep)+Just+Happened crowley

Read FamilySecurityMatters.org Contributing Editor J. Christian Adams' SHOCKING new book! Buy it here



FSM Must Reads + 2012 site

Airports contradict Janet Napolitano's sequester claim

Airports have denied a claim by Janet Napolitano, the secretary of homeland security, that the sequester is already causing long delays for travelers at security screening checkpoints

And I'm The 'Islamaphobe'

I've written hundreds of articles with examples of ‘stealth Jihad' and ‘creeping Sharia' from our schools to our courts to so called ‘honor killings' and yet most people refuse to even see it.

And By the Way, World War III Just Broke Out...

Though we may believe deep in our heart of hearts that all will come right again, but perhaps not in our lifetime, it is hard to resist a sense of despair.

A Review of 'Coolidge' (By Amity Shlaes)

Reagan probably created a bump in interest for Calvin Coolidge, but it is Amity Shlaes' masterful biography that now places "Silent Cal" front and right of center among American Presidents.

Teen hero suspended after disarming gun-toting student

The High School student was suspended for three days after he says he tackled the other student and wrestled a loaded gun away from him on a school bus last week.

Shut Up or I'll Kill You

Stifling free speech crushes creativity in all areas of life. And once the censors get their teeth into us, there's no stopping them.

Philadelphia's Burqa Crisis

When burqas become accessories to crime: Criminals can hide behind Islamic garb".

Turkey's Prime Minister Erdogan's Idea of 'Tolerance'

Erdogan's reference to "Islamophobia" as a "crime against humanity", meanwhile, raised once again longstanding concerns about Muslim efforts to suppress criticism of Islam.

Roaring Then, Whimpering Now

Terrorism concerns marked both eras. The 1920s witnessed a series of anarchist bomb plots.


Chinese Aggression Shows the Law of the Sea Treaty is Worthless

Confronted with Chinese warmongering however, Secretary Kerry can only spout meaningless platitudes about "forging stronger and deeper relations" with the Philippines.

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