Monday, March 11, 2013

Army Awards ‘Bronze Star” for Power Point Presentation on Koran Handling

Army Awards ‘Bronze Star” for Power Point Presentation on Koran Handling

Now we know what he got the Nobel Prize for

Sometimes there are no words. Just disgust and horror at what Obama has done to the United States military. And what he still plans to do.
An Air Force chaplain has been awarded a Bronze Star for his service in crafting an especially good PowerPoint about how to treat Islamic religious materials with sensitivity, according to Ohio’s Dayton Daily News. After U.S. troops in Afghanistan accidentally burned copies of the Koran, sparking riots that took over 30 lives,
For his effort, Lt. Col. Jon Trainer received the prestigious Bronze Star — a medal given for heroic or meritorious achievement in connection with operations against an armed enemy.
And he did it with a PowerPoint presentation. . . .
Within 48 hours, Trainer developed a PowerPoint presentation on the proper handling and disposal of Islamic religious material that was seen by every American — military and civilian alike — in Afghanistan. The presentation then was distributed to the U.S. for use in all pre-deployment training.
General McChrystal proposed a medal for “Courageous Restraint”. Now we have the Bronze Star being given out for a Power Point on Courageous Appeasement.

The Bronze Star had originally been added to improve the morale of the fighting infantry. Now it’s being awarded to officers who make presentations on how to avoid offending Muslims. Not offending Muslims is now considered a life-saving act by the brass.

Here is the actual JFK executive order governing the award.
The Bronze Star Medal, with accompanying ribbons and appurtenances… may be awarded by the Secretary of a military department… to any person who… distinguishes, or has distinguished, himself by heroic or meritorious achievement or service,..
(a) while engaged in an action against an enemy of the United States;
(b) while engaged in military operations involving conflict with an opposing foreign force; or
(c) while serving with friendly foreign forces engaged in an armed conflict against an opposing armed force in which the United States is not a belligerent party.
From being given to veterans of the bloodiest fighting in Europe, the Bronze Star is now being given out for knowing your Koran.
Let’s compare the Dhimmi Power Point to another awarding of the Bronze Star last year.
On April 25, Evenson and several other soldiers were on patrol in the mountains of Afghanistan, with Evenson as part of the vanguard.

But when the squad came under fire from a number of Taliban fighters — Evenson said Friday he does not know how many there were — and several soldiers were hit, Evenson sprang into action, administering first aid to a sergeant who was shot in the chest and a specialist with a shattered leg, while simultaneously providing “suppressing fire.”
“Sgt. (John) Lowry was wounded pretty bad,” Evenson recounted. “We had to get a medevac for him.”
“My lung collapsed, and … Evenson pretty much saved my life,” said Lowry. “He was the first one that ran over to me after I got shot, and we were taking just a ton of enemy fire. … I can’t believe he didn’t get shot.”
Evenson helped patch up Lowry — the exit wound was so large that Evenson put his entire hand inside Lowry’s body while stuffing it with blood clot-inducing combat gauze, Lowry recalled — and move him out of harm’s way. Lowry was brought to a position where Staff Sgt. Adam Davila, who would be awarded the Silver Star for his actions alongside Evenson on Nov. 2 in West Fort Hood, Texas, administered “more advanced first aid,” in Evenson’s words.

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