Monday, June 3, 2013

06-03-13: Judge Jeanine: 'Eric Holder Should Be Indicted'

FSM video  picks + 2012 site

tea party_irs_LARGE

·  IRS Spent $50 Million for Conferences, Report Finds; ‘Expensive Presidential Suites,' ‘Free Drinks'


·  Chris Kyle Widow: Former Navy SEAL ‘Died Because Somebody Wanted to Kill Him'

JUDGE Pirro-500x281

·  Judge Jeanine: 'Eric Holder Should Be Indicted'

jay_carney _wh press

·  Rep. Issa: Jay Carney is the administration's "paid liar" on the IRS scandal

CAIR Logo 2

·  Muslim Group CAIR Demands Investigation into Death of Boston Bomber's Friend


·  Krauthammer: ‘Double Standard Is the Real Issue' in DOJ Scandal


·  TSA Gets Rid of Full-Body Scanners at U.S. Airports

marines_ afghanistan

·  Mark Levin Fumes Over Marines Loss Of Hot Meals At Afghan Base


·  Who is the Benghazi cover-up trying to protect?


·  Heated debate over growing role of women as breadwinners

In Case You Missed It


·  Fox Host Eric Bolling Slams Liberals Geraldo and Spitzer Over Benghazi Deceit

breaking news light

·  Krauthammer: Obama Was Crafting 'Cover Story' Before Benghazi Victims Were Dead

irs_internal revenue_LARGE

·  Confessions of a former IRS commissioner


·  CNN's Jake Tapper lays out the full timeline of Obama's DOJ investigation of FOX News' James Rosen


·  Video Comparison of Obama's Response to Scandals and Nixon's Handling of Watergate


·  Miller Time: Chris Christie and Obama


·  Frank Gaffney: Obama Intends to 'End' the War on Terror


·  Bill O'Reilly Scolds Juan Williams During Fiery Debate Over Holder Investigating Himself


·  Learn the state that Passes 'Merry Christmas' Bill

Deroy Murdock

·  NRO's Deroy Murdock: Lerner's IRS paychecks 'hush money'

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What+the+(Bleep)+Just+Happened crowley

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FSM Must Reads + 2012 site

88 IRS Employees Under Investigation for Targeting Conservatives

The IRS has told House investigators they have identified 88 IRS employees who may have documents relevant to the congressional investigation into targeting of conservative groups...

Fanaticism and the Assault on Western Democracies

Wars are fought in many places other than the battlefield. Wars are also fought in the arena of public opinion.

Islam's Reign of Terror

From the Excerpt: "One cause of Islam's successful infiltration is the spread of multiculturalism in the West. Multiculturalism is egalitarianism, which seeks to destroy the best, applied to cultures." Islam regards the U.S. Constitution as an "abomination" that must be replaced with Sharia law.

Agents Too Busy

The left here and in the UK continue to insist these explosions, shootings or beheadings have nothing to do with Islam, the "religion of peace."

Abortion, Money, and Free Speech

No matter how you look at such statistics that is a lot of dead babies and it can be argued that a society that permits what amounts to mass murder has lost its moral bearings.

Who's Tracking Your Children?

"I am outraged and sickened by this blatant disregard for my son's constitutional right to privacy and my parental rights over my son..."

DREAM Act Full Steam Ahead

Obama has bypassed Congress, but this is one scandal the GOP is ignoring.

Afghanistan Comes to London

That nightmare still looms. It is the nightmare of the savage wars of the Muslim world being exported to the United Kingdom.

‘I'll Eat His Liver---But Not With Chianti'

Who doesn't remember the movie in which Hannibal Lector tells his interviewer about the delights of eating someone's liver with "a nice little Chianti."

A Green Light for Iran's New Terrorist War

The regime intends to shift the battleground stateside.


  Europe's Tolerance Tested by Islam

Europe has welcomed immigrants with the idea they would become part of the established culture but some groups are taking advantage of the largess.


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