Wednesday, June 5, 2013

AFDI Freedom Rally: Nearly 2,000 Patriots Throng to Tennessee to Defend Free Speech

another from MIGHTY ATLAS

AFDI Freedom Rally: Nearly 2,000 Patriots Throng to Tennessee to Defend Free Speech

Tenn crowd
Tenn geller speaking
Robert Spencer and I blew into Tennessee after numerous flight delays, draconian TSA patdowns and security checks, and crippling rush hour traffic, and imagine how thrilled we were when we rounded the corner and saw throngs of patriots and freedom lovers, all happy warriors who had converged in Manchester, Tennessee to oppose the latest Obama Administration salvo against the freedom of speech -- a seminar led by an Obama-appointed U.S. Attorney on how civil rights laws could and should be used to shut down speech deemed "inflammatory" against Muslims (a label that has been used before to shut down truthful speech about jihad and Islamic supremacism). SION Board member James Lafferty, Tennessee freedom activists Lou Ann Zelenick, Joan French, Bill Warner and Rebecca Bynum, ex-Saturday Night Live cast member Victoria Jackson, and numerous other freedom fighters made their opposition known to this outrageous anti-free speech initiative, and their determination to resist it. 

Numerous speakers addressed the roaring crowd -- including Lafferty, Spencer, and I -- and what was really beautiful was that over 600 of these folks couldn't even get in to the event, but they stayed outside and held a freedom rally. This event showed that Americans aren't going to sit quietly while our freedom of speech is taken away, and are never, ever, going to submit and stop telling the truth about the jihad that threatens us all. We are an army.
Tenn outside crowd
Tenn spencer speaks
Spencer speaketh!
Tenn jesse
Jesse Nieto is a 25-year veteran of the Marines. His son was killed in the jihad terror bombing of the U.S. Cole in October 2000. After 9/11 he put anti-jihad decals on his truck, but military officials told him to remove them. When he refused, he was forbidden to drive onto the base at Camp Lejeune, where he worked, or to visit his son's grave at Arlington National Cemetery. He sued, and with the help of lawyer Robert Muise, who has aided us in numerous free speech cases, he won.
Tenn signs

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