Monday, May 5, 2014

Chesler Facebook Chronicles

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Chesler Facebook Chronicles

May 5, 2014
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Dear Friends and Supporters:

These are my FB musings of the last week. I hope they find favor in your eyes. And, for your viewing pleasure: A video interview with me just launched by my publisher Palgrave-Macmillan.

An Orwellian Bargain with the Devil - 5/4/2014
Muslim Indonesia jailed Alexander Aan for more than nineteen months because he dared declare that he was an atheist. Apostasy is a capital crime among Muslims. I am not the only one who is worried about this new kind of intolerance which is being supported by Western progressives and so-called liberals—and in the name of anti-racism. How can they fail to see the handwriting on the sky? The UN General Assembly and Human Rights Council, under pressure from the King of Saudi Arabia, passed a resolution against insulting religion (especially Islam). Then, ultra-liberal Brandeis dis-invites Ayaan Hirsi Ali because she, too, has been critical of Islam and is now an atheist. Rutgers students create a public fuss about allowing our former Secretary of State, the very eloquent and dignified Condoleeza Rice, to deliver a Commencement address; these very vocal students object to Bush's foreign policy. Rice withdraws.
This silencing in the West of those with whom one disagrees is quite dangerous, well underway, and is an Orwellian bargain with the Devil.
This is how the 21st century totalitarian mind works.

Brunei Sharia Cruelty – 5/2/2014
And so the Sultan of Brunei has announced that harsh Sharia law will be phased in. Gay people will be stoned to death as will rape victims (who are often categorized as adulterers). Thieves will have their hands amputated. Funny thing. His younger brother, Prince Jeffri Bolkiah, runs a large harem of infidel call girls who compete viciously against one another for Jeffri's financial favors. Will the Sultan stone his brother to death--or only the paid Ladies of the Night?
Male homosexuality is as rampant in the Islamic world as it is forbidden. One wonders whether the Sultan will end up having to kill most of his male subjects. More important: Rape, kidnapping-rape, and legal marriage for one hour are also rampant throughout the Islamic world. Shereen El Feki writes about how wealthy and aging Arab and Iranian men legally purchase the daughters of impoverished families in mullah-approved "marriages" for an hour or for a month. Is the Sultan of Brunei seriously considering stoning these (married) men to death? Or only the girls and women whom they pay for sex?
I am reminded of the witty riposte offered by my friend Ibn Warraq in a debate with Tariq Ramadan in London, as part of Intelligence Squared. "I would rather live in a country where I could get stoned—and then commit adultery, not the other way round."

Down With NBA Racism! Sexism—Who Cares? – 5/1/2014
Racism is real and it is ugly but so is sexism. Who has been fined and "clipped" for calling women "ho's," "sluts," "bitches," "ball busters?" How many RAP artists and Hollywood people have been challenged, publicly exposed, fined, and fired from their own companies for buying the sexual services of a woman (or a man) as Clipper owner Donald Sterling has been? In reading a small part of what Sterling said on tape, it also sounds as if he did not want his bought-and-paid for mistress. V. Stiviano, "associating with black"….men who are younger and sexier than he was. Could that also have been behind this dust-up?
As a proud member of the American Civil Rights movement I believe in rooting out racism wherever we find it. Guess what? As a proud leader of the American feminist movement I would like all the racially sensitive and politically correct people to take crimes of gender violence, beginning with incest, wife-beating, marital rape, campus rape, the rape of prostituted women, to be treated just as harshly and as swiftly as Sterling has been. Or would that be "going too far?" Why? And when will President Obama stand up for African-American WOMEN who have "stood their ground" and gotten twenty years for doing so? When will he call out his ethnic Arab and Muslim friends on their anti-black racism? And when will he write about his white mother and white grandparents?
Just askin'.

The Bride Wore Acqua - 5/1/2014


My necklace is back around my neck, safe and sound, within 30 hours of reporting it missing to the TSA at LAX airport. I am grateful for its speedy and safe return. It was packaged so carefully! Thank you, thank you, thank you, TSA. Sometimes one's faith in humanity is redeemed.
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