Thursday, May 1, 2014

Urgent Alert: Oppose the Removal of Historic Crosses at Holy Trinity Church!

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Throughout history, Islamic mosque have often looked for former Christian churches to build on top of and/or remodel to fit their new mosques or Islamic community centers. Usually, the first symbol to be removed from the churches are crosses and any other Christian symbol. This is viewed as a victory for the new mosque.

Last month the Syracuse Landmark Preservation Board disappointingly approved, with a 6-1 vote, the removal of six historic crosses at Holy Trinity Church. Holy Trinity Church is located at 501 Park Street in Syracuse, New York and operated as a Catholic Church from 1912-2009. In 2010 it was designated as a LOCAL PROTECTED SITE by the Syracuse Landmark Preservation Board. The Preservation Association of Central New York (PACNY) supports the designation of Holy Trinity Church as a Local Protected Site based on its historic, architectural and artistic significance to the city and Central New York. In December 2013, the church was sold to the North Side Learning Center who plans to lease the church to an Islamic society, which would rename it 'Mosque of Jesus the Son of Mary.'

Protected Site designation recognizes the inherent qualities in the building and, in the spirit of the ordinance, it is our hope that designation will help protect these qualities whatever the use of the building in the future.

Act! for America and the concerned neighbors for Holy Trinity Church, believe that the Syracuse Landmark Preservation Board should not have given special privileges to the North Side Learning Center to allow the Islamic society to remove the six crosses that sit atop the church. These crosses bring historical meaning to the building and have formed a major foundation for the landmark preservation status in the first place. No other group would have been granted these special privileges.

Please take a moment today to sign the petition to protect the crosses at Holy Trinity Church in Syracuse, New York and to send a clear message that special rights are anything but America.
CLICK HERE to sign the petition!

Then, please pass this e-mail along to everyone you know.

Thank you. Together we are making a difference!

This petition will be presented to the Syracuse Landmark Preservation Board
and Syracuse Mayor, Stephanie Miner.


ACT for America
P.O. Box 12765
Pensacola, FL 32591

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