Friday, July 3, 2015

A perfect Islamic storm looming large on the horizon

A perfect Islamic storm looming large on the horizon

The perfect storm of events for an Islamic terror attack is brewing for July 4th this year.  The Obama administration and Western leaders are failing to report the truth about Islam and the significance of this date.  It was on the 17th of Ramadan, which just happens to precisely coincide this year with America’s Independence Day, that the greatest and most significant battle in Islamic history took place: the Battle of Badr in 624 AD.  This battle marked the first significant victory for Islam, as well as the beginning of Mohammed’s reign of terror.

Dates are significant for Islamic terrorists.  The date of September 11 was chosen by Islamic terrorists to inflict a horrible carnage on the West because in Islam, that day is remembered as a day of humiliation and defeat: in 1683, the Islamic armies were defeated at the gates of Vienna, and in 1697, they met their final defeat at Belgrade.

If ever there was a date to be remembered and commemorated in Islam, it’s the 17th of Ramadan.  What makes this battle so special to most Muslims is its spiritual significance.  The Koran discusses how Allah and his angels helped the early Muslims win the battle.  This is most certainly a date that the Islamic State holds close to the heart, especially since Mohammed’s victory solidified his position as ruler of the first Islamic State in Medina.  It is a date to be memorialized, underscored by its anniversary on the U.S.’s Independence Day, in ways jihadists know best.

The 17th of Ramadan was the time when Mohammed mandated the killing of captives in battle, and this action is emulated by the Islamic State, as Mohammed is considered the ideal model in Islam for mankind to follow.  It was the time when a simple preacher morphed into a vengeful warlord, eliminating all Jewish tribes once living in Saudi Arabia and changing the way of life for people living in the Arabian Peninsula (now Saudi Arabia) and afterward Asia.  It is a date that Westerners should be made aware of and become familiar with.

In addition to the upcoming commemoration of the Battle of Badr on July 4 of this year, the Islamic State has two other significant events to laud.  First, this summer marks the Islamic State’s first-year anniversary as a self-proclaimed terrorist state.  Second, this month of Ramadan is a time to wage jihad, as Mohammed did.  “Ramadan will have lots of surprises,” the Islamic State promised before the Tunisia, France, and Kuwait attacks.

“This may be potentially the most complex counterterror overlay for this event, ever,” affirmed NYPD’s deputy commissioner of intelligence and counterterrorism, John MillerFox News chief intelligence correspondent Catherine Herridge defines this heightened threat environment as “one of the most severe we have seen in a decade.”

Do U.S. law enforcement and counterterrorism agencies or the media have any perception of the groundbreaking victory Muslims had in their first major battle against non-Muslims that coincides with July 4 of this year?  

Perhaps the extremely high volume of social media Islamic terrorist chatter from overseas to the U.S. to wage jihad on U.S. soil can be attributed to the anniversary of the Battle of Badr falling on July 4.

The West can be sure that ISIS will make good on its promise to kill and maim even more non-believers in celebration of these three events, not to mention a tenfold reward in Paradise for any jihadist killed in action during Ramadan.

The perfect Islamic storm is brewing on the horizon as the Obama and other Western administrations tiptoe around Islam in refusing to link it with terrorism or to call the Islamic State Islamic.  Western civilization will tilt, tip over, and eventually capsize unless citizens become more politically engaged in policymaking and more aware of the Islamic storms that face them so that these storms can be better assessed and properly tackled.  Citizenry must stop relying on leaders when those leaders will not even admit the nature of the jihadist enemy.

As Stephen Coughlin writes, “the nature of today’s jihadist enemies can only be understood within the context of their declared strategic doctrine to dominate the world. Just as we ignored Mein Kampf ‘to our great detriment’ prior to World War II, so we are on the verge of suffering a similar fate today.”  The ironically dual anniversary of July 4 and the Battle of Badr representing two antithetical ideologies is looming large.  Be informed.  Be prepared. 

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