Saturday, July 4, 2015

'All 12 of us are in the Islamic State': Luton family confirm they ARE in Syria and encourage other Britons to join them

'All 12 of us are in the Islamic State': Luton family confirm they ARE in Syria and encourage other Britons to join them 

  • Family of 12 from Luton claim they are in Syria and joined Islamic State
  • Believed to include two grandparent and three children aged one to 11 
  • 'None of us were forced against our will,' from Mannan family has said
  • It comes as video 'identifies' three Bethnal Green schoolgirls in Raqqa

A family of 12 from Luton who were feared to have joined ISIS has released a statement to say they are now in Syria - and urged other Muslims to do the same.
The Mannan family which includes a one-year-old and two grandparents had not been seen since visiting their home country of Bangladesh on May 17.

Muhammed Abdul Mannan, 75, his wife Minera Khatun, 53, their daughter Rajia Khanom, 21, and five sons all went off the radar. Police investigating their disappearance feared they had crossed into Turkey which borders Syria.

A shocking 'press release' has now surfaced 'from the Mannan family in the land of the khilafah' says 'We release this statement to confirm that indeed we are in the Islamic State.'

It comes as a video shot in the terror group's adopted capital of Raqqa in Syria appears to identify two of the three Bethnal Green schoolgirls who quit Britain to join Islamic State in February.

Scroll down for video 
Family: The group which claims to have entered Syria after visiting family in Bangladesh and include (pictured from left to right standing) Rajia Khanom, Mohammed Toufique Hussain, Mohammed Saleh Hussain, Roshanara Begum, Sheida Khanam.  From left to right sitting: Muhammed Abdul Mannan, Minera Khatun)
Family: The group which claims to have entered Syria include (pictured from left to right standing) Rajia Khanom, Mohammed Toufique Hussain, Mohammed Saleh Hussain, Roshanara Begum, Sheida Khanam.  From left to right sitting: Muhammed Abdul Mannan, Minera Khatun
Escape: Mohammed Zayd Hussain (pictured) is believed to have entered Syria with his parents, brothers, their wives and children
Escape: Mohammed Zayd Hussain (pictured) is believed to have entered Syria with his parents, brothers, their wives and children
The statement from the Mannan family - which appears to be a propaganda too to lure more families into the war zone - claims they are in a land 'that is free from the corruption and oppression of man made law and is governed by the shariah'.

It adds: 'Yes, all 12 of us and why should this number be shocking, when there are thousands and thousands of Muslims from all corners of the world that are crossing over land and sea everyday to come to the Islamic State?

'That are willingly leaving the so called freedom and democracy that was forced down our throat in the attempt to brainwash Muslims to forget about their powerful and glorious past and now present.'

Among the family are three unnamed children aged between one and 11 but the sons are  Mohammed Zayd Hussain, 25, Mohammed Toufique Hussain, 19, Mohammed Abil Kashem Saker, 31, Mohammed Saleh Hussain, 26, and the fifth is also unnamed.

Abil Kashem Saker's wife Sheida Khanam, 27, and Mohammed Saleh Hussain's wife Roshanara Begum, 24, and two unnamed grandchildren are also missing. 
It recently emerged that police raided the family home and one member was stopped from getting on a flight at Heathrow the day they departed for Bangladesh.
Friends of grandfather Mr Mannan fear they have been tricked into crossing the border into Syria.
Mohammed Abil Kashem Saker, 31
Mohammed Toufique Hussain, 19
Missing: Mohammed Abil Kashem Saker, 31, (pictured left) and Mohammed Toufique Hussain, 19 (right)
Bedfordshire Police were unable to confirm whether the family had crossed into Syria or were still in Turkey
Bedfordshire Police were unable to confirm whether the family had crossed into Syria or were still in Turkey

But the statement continues: 'Don't be shocked when we say that none of us were forced against our will. In fact it is outrageous to think that an entire family could be kidnapped and made to migrate like this.

'It wasn't by the command of a single person in the family but by the command of the Khalifah of the Muslims. 

Don't be shocked when we say that none of us were forced against our will... In fact it is outrageous to think that an entire family could be kidnapped and made to migrate like this
Mannan family statement 

'Who has called all Muslims, whether young or old, single or in families, to make hijrah to the state of Islam. 

'Do not fear losing the life you built for yourselves... We call all Muslims, to rush to the command of your khalif [state]... Race to what will give you honour in this life and the hereafter.'  

A statement released by relatives in the UK said they were 'devastated' and that the disappearance was 'out of character'. 

UK police believe at least 700 people have travelled from Britain to support or fight for terrorist groups in Syria and Iraq - with the majority joining Isis.

Among those are Amira Abase, 15, Shamima Begum, 15, and Kadiza Sultana, 16, the three schoolgirls from east London, who boarded a flight to Turkey during half-term in February before crossing into the border into Syria.

Shocking footage which emerged last night appears to show two of them, dressed in niqabs and carrying AK47 rifles around the streets of Raqqa.

Armed: The video shows three women, including one carrying a Kalashnikov, walking through the streets
Armed: The video shows three women, including one carrying a Kalashnikov, walking through the streets
Revealed: The footage was filmed in the northern Syrian city and purportedly shows at least two of the teenagers
Revealed: The footage was filmed in the northern Syrian city and purportedly shows at least two of the teenagers
'Naive': One of the women in the video is wearing shoes which are similar to those Amira was seen wearing when she was seen at a bus station in Turkey
'Naive': One of the women in the video is wearing shoes which are similar to those Amira was seen wearing when she was seen at a bus station in Turkey

Activists who filmed the video have reportedly said at least two of the girls were on camera and the third woman is their 'handler'.  

One of the women in the video is wearing shoes which are similar to those worn by Amira when she was seen at a bus station in Turkey, The Telegraph has reported.
Last month, a senior ISIS defector said the three schoolgirls were being trained for 'special missions' and are likely to die in the Middle East.

The former female commander who fled the terror group mentored the giggling teenagers whom she described as naive and unprepared for life in Syria.

The 22-year-old, known only as Um Asmah, said she met Amira, Kadiza and Shamima, who she took to an ISIS base.


We release this statement to confirm that, indeed we are in the Islamic State. 

A land that is free from the corruption and oppression of man made law and is governed by the shariah, the perfect and just laws of Allah subhanAllah wa Ta'la.
All 12 of us and why should this number be shocking, when there are thousands and thousands of Muslims from all corners of the world that are crossing over land and sea everyday to come to the Islamic State? 

That are willingly leaving the so called freedom and democracy that was forced down our throat in the attempt to brainwash Muslims to forget about their powerful and glorious past and now present.

Or is it shocking that those attempts have clearly failed? That regardless of being born and bred in the west, the epitome of democracy, our Islam was not washed away? And despite the totalitarian rules that are in place, Muslims are still awaking to their obligations?

Don't be shocked when we say that none of us were forced against our will. In fact it is outrageous to think that an entire family could be kidnapped and made to migrate like this. It wasn't by the command of a single person in the family but by the command of the Khalifah of the Muslims. 

Who has called all Muslims, whether young or old, single or in families, to make hijrah to the state of Islam. A land that has established the Shariah, in which a Muslim doesn't feel oppression when practising their religion. 

In which a parent doesn't feel the worry of losing their child to the immorality of society. In which the sick and elderly do not wait in agony, tolerating the partiality of race or social class.

Alhamdulillah for the establishment of the Khilafah.

We say to those that are concerned for our safety to put your hearts at rest for we feel safer than we have ever felt before. 

We call all Muslims, to rush to the command of your khalif. Race to your state. Race to what will give you honour in this life and the hereafter. Hasten to the obedience of Allah. 

Do not fear losing the life you built for yourselves by making hijrah but fear losing your Imaan and Islam whilst residing in darul kufr and not making hijrah. 

We pray Allah saves from such a fate and guides us all to be obedient to His commands. Ameen.

The Mannan Family in the Islamic State

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