Wednesday, October 21, 2015

"Canada just elected an idiot"

This is great news for The Rebel, as we are about content, and nobody provides more content than Justin Trudeau.

I am stunned Canada chose this fool to represent them but there you have it. As a lampooner of absurd politics, I just won the lottery. Canadians, on the other hand, just jumped off a cliff.
When Americans ask me how dumb he is, I say, “He’s not like anyone you met in real life. He’s like a character in a TV show. Like, Joey from Friends. He’s cartoonishly dumb.”
The other amazing thing about Justin is that his entire merit is based on the fact that he’s Pierre Trudeau’s son. Young people assumed Pierre was a good Prime Minister but for those of us who were there, we remember what a complete tool he was. He rammed French and multiculturalism down the entire country’s throat and he spent so much of our money doing it, the dollar never really recovered.
So, the Prime Minister of Canada is incompetent and he was elected because of his father, who was also incompetent. It’s going to be a wild ride. 

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