Monday, October 19, 2015

EU to Fight Muslim Migration w/More Muslim Migration

EU to Fight Muslim Migration w/More Muslim Migration

Since it's the EU, the solution involves pandering to terrorists and demographic suicide.

A rational EU strategy on Turkey's Islamist regime would have been to bring it down using a combination of financial pressures and NGOs and strike a deal with Erdogan's replacement to enforce border controls. But that's a tactic that the EU reserves for Israel.
Instead Merkel and Co. are giving away the store to Turkey. First, there was the ceremonial ring kissing of the brutal tyrant who may be a state sponsor of ISIS, creating the crisis he is profiting from.
Last week, top EU officials, including Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker and Council President Donald Tusk, hosted Erdoğan for dinner in Brussels. The purpose was not to upbraid the Turkish leader, but to plead for his help.
Erdoğan’s transformation from pariah to partner underscores Europe’s desperation to find a quick solution to the refugee crisis.
Since it's the EU, the solution involves pandering to terrorists and demographic suicide.
On the table is a mix of financial aid, up to €3 billion to help Turkey pay for the refugees, as well as other measures, including visa liberalization for Turks traveling to the EU.
Berlin has long resisted relaxing visa requirements over concerns that doing so would unleash an influx of Turks into Germany, which already has a sizeable Turkish population.
Still, the chancellor may have little choice.
So the EU gets to choose between mass Muslim migration... and mass Muslim migration. The European village must be destroyed to save the village.
Or as Bugs asked, "Would you like to shoot me now or wait till you get home?"
You can have illegal mass Muslim migration through a porous Turkish border. Or you can have legal mass Muslim migration through an EU Turkey. The latter is actually worse.
Angela Merkel agreed at a meeting with Turkish leaders to help jumpstart Ankara’s EU membership talks and relax visa requirements in exchange for a pledge to slow the flow of refugees into Europe.
Showing progress in Turkey’s dealings with Europe could give the Turkish leader the boost he needs to achieve that goal. Turkey has pushed for visa-free travel to the EU for years and winning the concession would count as a significant political victory.
Some German and European officials believe Erdoğan had a hand in unleashing the crisis by essentially abandoning border controls. His aim, they say, was to gain leverage in Turkey’s dealings with the EU. If true, the tactic appears to have worked.
So Erdogan gets billions from the EU, and a way to dump even more migrants into Europe, thereby increasing his influence in Germany while positioning himself as the guy who controls the tap and can plunge Europe into chaos.
All this is being orchestrated by an open supporter of Islamic terrorists, a Jihadist and a tyrant who fantasizes about the return of the Ottoman Empire. And at the rate the EU is going, they'll help him rebuild the Ottoman Empire as an alternative to the ISIS Caliphate.

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