Friday, October 23, 2015

FBI top dog Comey: Feds have 900 active investigations of Islamic State operatives in U.S.

FBI top dog Comey: Feds have 900 active investigations of Islamic State operatives in U.S.

“Because the pace of the investigations has varied in the last several months, Comey said it was still unclear whether the bureau had the necessary resources to meet the demand. Comey referred to a particularly taxing period in mid-summer when federal authorities expressed public concern about the prospect of an attack around the July Fourth holiday. ‘If that becomes the new normal … That would be hard to keep up,’ the director said…” The Islamic State is trying to make that the new normal. Their goal is to overwhelm law enforcement with so many jihad plots, so many jihad attacks, that the feds will not be able to keep up, and the system will collapse. The fact that it is the Obama FBI’s official policy to ignore and deny the motivating ideology of the jihadis also makes them harder to track, as the feds are clueless about their values, priorities, and how their core beliefs have impact upon the choices they make.
James Comey
“Comey: Feds have roughly 900 domestic probes about Islamic State operatives,” by Kevin Johnson, USA Today, October 23, 2015:
WASHINGTON — FBI Director James Comey said Friday that federal authorities have an estimated 900 active investigations pending against suspected Islamic State-inspired operatives across the country.
In a speech to intelligence officials, Comey said that the number of inquiries is “slowly climbing” as ISIL has sought to expand their reach into the U.S., targeting largely young, disaffected potential operatives through a provocative social media campaign….
Because the pace of the investigations has varied in the last several months, Comey said it was still unclear whether the bureau had the necessary resources to meet the demand. Comey referred to a particularly taxing period in mid-summer when federal authorities expressed public concern about the prospect of an attack around the July Fourth holiday.
“If that becomes the new normal … That would be hard to keep up,” the director said, though he said the pace has eased somewhat recently.
Since July 1, the director said, investigators have been tracking a decline in numbers of Americans seeking to travel to Syria to join forces with ISIL. But it is unclear how that drop-off may be affecting the domestic threat….

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