Thursday, October 22, 2015

Obama's first phone call to Trudeau should worry every Canadian

On his first day as PM designate, Justin Trudeau naturally got a congratulatory call from President Obama.

That's standard protocol anyway, and besides that, many Obama campaign staffers had worked on Trudeau's campaign up in Canada.

Yet during this routine courtesy call, Justin Trudeau couldn't help himself:

He told Obama that he was going to pull Canada's forces out of the coalition against ISIS. (That had been one of his major campaign promises.)

Sure, Obama doesn't need our six fighter planes in the coalition, but Canada's participation was a signal of Western solidarity, and of our determination to help destroy the Nazis of our time.

But Trudeau just told the President of the United States that won't even allow that symbolic presence to continue.

How do you think that went over our top ally?

There's actually a way to find out -- so I did.

Watch and see what I discovered...

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