Tuesday, October 20, 2015

With a Pro-Terrorist Gov in Canada, Border Security is a Big Problem

With a Pro-Terrorist Gov in Canada, Border Security is a Big Problem

Canada's asylum policy has led to Muslim terrorist attacks on America before.


With backing from Obama's campaign people, Canadian voters made a left-wing terrorist supporter whose only calling card was his last name, the Prime Minister of Canada. This is really bad for Canadians, but it turns the northern into a serious national security issue.

Canada's asylum policy has led to Muslim terrorist attacks on America before.

The LAX Millennium bomb plot involved Muslims taking advantage of Canada's lax asylum policies to enter and attack America.
Using a doctored French passport with his picture crudely glued in, the 27-year-old Ressam flew from France to Montreal. At the airport, he was stopped by immigration officials who suspected that his passport was false. Ressam requested political asylum, claiming in a sworn statement that he had been tortured in Algeria and that he was falsely accused of arms trading and other terrorist activities. Apparently without checking with Algeria, France, or Interpol, Canadian immigration agents accepted his story and released him pending a hearing on his refugee status. Canada's Immigration Minister, Elinor Caplan, later said it was not a serious offense to present a false passport to gain entry to Canada, noting that many legitimate refugees resort to doing so.
According to Ressam's trial testimony, during the time he lived in Montreal he worked only a week, delivering advertising leaflets. The remainder of the time, he says, he supported himself on welfare payments and by robbing tourists. Although Ressam estimates that he performed this kind of theft between 30 and 40 times during his stay in Montreal, he says he was arrested for these thefts only four times, and convicted only once. He served no jail time for that conviction, but paid a fine. Despite his arrests, he continued to draw welfare benefits of $500 per month, which he was entitled to as a potential refugee.
During this time, Ressam says that he and an associate, Mokhtar Haouari, another Algerian refugee claimant, engaged in the trafficking of stolen driver's license numbers, bank cards, and Social Security cards. They also provided Canadian passports and other identity documents to terrorist associates around the world.
Ressam left Montreal and headed for Afghanistan for terrorist training at the camps funded and administered by Osama bin Laden. It was during this time, Ressam says, that he began to plan an attack on U.S. targets in 1999.
Ressam traveled alone -- on the Canadian passport under the name of Benni Noris -- back to Montreal...
Upon his arrival at Port Angeles, a U.S. customs agent became suspicious of his hesitant answers to her questions, and she asked for identification. Agents began searching the car. As they discovered the explosive materials -- which they at first took to be drugs -- in the trunk of the car, Ressam tried to run away. He was caught and arrested.
Ressam wasn't the only case of a Muslim terror plot against hatched by insurgents operating out of Canada. Or penetrating the US through Canada.
Gazi Ibrahim Abu Mezer was another Muslim refugee who applied for political asylum in Canada in order to carry out terrorist attacks in America. He made repeated efforts to cross the border. He told a Border Patrol agent that he wanted political asylum because Israel had suspected him of terrorist involvement. Instead of getting rid him as fast as possible once he had admitted that he was suspected of terrorism in another country, he applied for political asylum in the United States. Then he was set free and was only arrested once he was caught plotting to bomb subways in New York.
Other Muslim terror refugees who took the Canadian route included Abderraouf Jdey, an aspiring 9/11 hijacker who filed for political asylum in Canada, and was repeatedly suspected of plotting terrorist attacks against Americans.
And then there was the VIA Rail Canada terrorism plot to bomb a train from Toronto to New York by Muslim terrorists in Canada.

Justin Trudeau is blatantly pro-terrorist. He opposes stripping terrorists of citizenship. He's an advocate for Gitmo rat Omar Khadr and spoke at a terror-linked mosque.
Justin Trudeau, the leader of the Liberal Party and the most widely touted name to be the next Prime Minister of Canada, is at the center of a controversy this week for a 2011 visit to the Al-Sunnah Al-Nabawiah mosque in Montreal, which was identified by U.S. intelligence officials as a site where “known al-Qaeda members were recruited, facilitated or trained.”
Steven Blaney, Canada’s minister of public safety and emergency preparedness, declared: “It is completely unacceptable that Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau would associate with a group that allegedly radicalizes Canadians to join al-Qaeda and engage in acts of unspeakable violent extremism. Now he is pandering for votes amongst religious extremists in our own communities. It is clear that Justin Trudeau cannot be trusted to keep Canadians safe.”
The northern border just became a serious concern. At the very least, a Trudeau regime means a swarm of Syrian Muslim migrants showing up in Canada and a crippled RCMP prevented from breaking up terror plots because of "Islamophobia."

And some of those plots are going to target America.

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