Friday, March 25, 2016

ISIS Member Found Disguised as Syrian Refugee in Canada

ISIS Member Found Disguised as Syrian Refugee in Canada

 Last Tuesday the RCMP conducted an arrest on a newly immigrated Syrian refugee. Sources indicate that the man was suspected of being linked to ISIS and have gotten past the rigorous screening process that Immigration minister John McCallum assured Canadians would pick out any discrepancies. When we contacted McCallum he gave no statement on the matter.

 This discovery may put many doubts into the minds of Canadian citizens on the eligibility to allow some many refugees into the country.

 Approximately 14 000 have already arrived in the country and are residing in 165 communities in Canada. The new refugees have been adapting well to their new homes, but this incident may have a negative impact on how the continue to be received by Canadians. Rona Ambrose made a comment following the arrest stating that this issue had been anticipated by the Harper’s government. It was one of the main arguments to deny their entrance before the federal elections in 2015.

 She followed by saying that it is unsafe to accept more refugees until Trudeau’s government can fully evaluate the security risk that is involved. Trudeau also made a short statement following the arrest saying that his government was working tirelessly to find a way to strengthen the screening process.

He says that this was an unpredicted event and that he was assured the screening process met certain national security requirements were met.


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