Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Eye on Iran: Iran Hanging: Fears for Child Bride Zeinab Sekaanvand

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Human rights activists say a 22-year-old woman whose execution was delayed while she was pregnant could be hanged within days in Iran. Zeinab Sekaanvand was convicted of killing her husband, whom she says beat her for months. Her execution was postponed after she remarried in prison and conceived a child. Last month she gave birth to a stillborn baby, putting her at risk of death by hanging as soon as 13 October. Doctors said the young woman's baby died in her womb two days before she gave birth as a result of the shock she suffered after her friend and cellmate was executed. Amnesty International says Ms Sekaanvand comes from a poor, conservative Iranian-Kurdish family, and ran away from home aged 15 to marry her first husband, Hossein Sarmadi. She said she saw marrying him as her only chance for a better life. But not long after their wedding, she said, he started beating her regularly and verbally abusing her.

New guidance from the Obama administration offers reassurance to foreign banks which have been skittish about doing U.S. dollar transactions with Iran, lawyers and former sanctions officials said on Monday. The guidance comes after months of complaints from Tehran, which says that remaining U.S. sanctions have frightened away trade partners and robbed Iran of the benefits it was promised under the nuclear deal it concluded with world powers last year. The guidelines, issued by the U.S. Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control on Friday, clarify that non-U.S. banks can do dollar trades with Iran, provided those transactions don't pass through financial institutions in the United States... A U.S. Treasury spokeswoman said on Monday the changes were "intended to clarify the scope of sanctions lifting" under the nuclear deal, and do not amount to additional sanctions relief for Iran. But Iran may not see the new guidance as enough to address the hurdles to doing business. Hossein Ghazavi, a vice-minister in Iran's economy ministry, said on Monday the changes still left doubts for banks. "The problems that existed before are still there," Ghazavi said, according to the Iranian Students News Agency. "Previously ... non-American financial institutions could not have 100 percent confidence that while providing brokerage services, creating accounts or maintaining U.S. dollars for Iranian banks and customers, they wouldn't face unpredictable risk. This ambiguity has still not been resolved."

The top commander and clerical representative of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps' (IRGC) external operations wing, the Qods Force, recently delivered speeches in Tehran and Damascus commemorating the first anniversary of the death of Brigadier General Hossein Hamedani, the most senior IRGC commander killed in the Syrian civil war. IRGC-QF commander Major General Qassem Soleimani delivered a speech on Oct. 5 in Tehran. Senior IRGC commanders and Iranian government officials were in attendance. "The problem of the enemies is the centrality of Syria in the resistance front and relations with the Islamic Republic," Soleimani said. "We do not only defend Syria in this country, but we defend Islam and the Islamic Republic of Iran, as well, because DAESH [pejorative for the Islamic State] and takfiri groups were not formed for Syria, these were formed for Iran." Soleimani's statement underscores the strategic importance of Syria to Tehran. He and other senior officials justify their involvement in Syria by claiming that the fight there keeps Iran safe from threats like the Islamic State and Sunni extremists.


An NIOC official has announced that Iran has sold a two-million-barrel cargo of crude oil to Lotos S.A. of Poland. Executive Director for International Affairs at National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) Seyyed Mohsen Ghamsari pointed to negotiations between NIOC and Grupa Lotos S.A. over inking a long-term oil sale contract saying "talks have kicked off with the Polish company though no final agreement has been signed yet." The official emphasized that so far two million barrels of crude oil have been delivered to Lotos; "both sides are seeking to seal a long term oil deal." He deemed Eastern Europe as a new market for Iranian crude in the post-JCPOA era adding "in addition to Poland, Iran has so far sold a one-million-barrel cargo to Hungary as well as that relevant negotiation have begun with other states in Eastern Europe."

Following two earlier contracts with two Russian oil companies, Iran has signed a memorandum of cooperation in oil and gas industry with a third Russian firm. Given the newly-signed agreement, the number of Russian companies active in Iran's oil and gas industries has reached a total of three. Previous deals were sealed with Zarubezhnefta and Lukoil companies while the third one Tatneft, a Russian vertically integrated oil and gas company with headquarters in the city of Almetyevsk in the Republic of Tatarstan... on Saturday morning, NIOC Managing Director Ali Kardor and CEO of Tatneft Nail Ulfatovich Maganov signed the deal to conduct developmental studies in Dehloran oil field. The agreement marks the first contract signed between NIOC and the Russian firm and it mainly deals with increasing recovery factor of the Iranian field.

National Petrochemical Company (NPC) has signed a memorandum of understating with Japan's Sojitz for feasibility studies on construction of a methanol to propylene conversion plant in Iran. Held at the locality of the NPC in Tehran, the signing ceremony of the MoU was attended by Managing Director of the NPC Marziyeh Shahdaei and Masaru Sato, Sojitz's senior representative on Saturday. Speaking during the ceremony, Marziyeh Shahdaei, who is also deputy petroleum minister in petrochemical affairs, said the project is of crucial importance for Iran given the vast gas reserves it is sitting atop. Sojitz has been active in Iran over 50 years and is the first foreign company active in Iran's petrochemical sector, said Sato during the meeting.


Senior Hamas official Mahmoud al-Zahar underlined that the Palestinian resistance group is seeking to reinvigorate relations with Iran. "Relations with Iran are acceptable but they should further enhance and develop," al-Zahar told FNA on Monday.


When Narges Mohammadi's activist husband resolved in 2012 to leave Iran to escape yet another jail sentence connected to his political activities, she stayed behind with their two children. "She believed she could be more effective inside the country," Taghi Rahmani, a political activist who had been in and out of Iranian prisons for two decades and had a conviction hanging over his head, said of his wife recently from Paris, where he has since been joined by their 9-year-old twins. Mohammadi, a leading rights defender who had also spent time in jail, knew she might be targeted again. Four years later, the 44-year-old Mohammadi is languishing in Tehran's Evin prison, where she is serving a combined 16 years for a range of crimes that include allegedly "acting against national security," membership in a banned organization that campaigns against the death penalty, and "spreading propaganda" against the establishment... "[The persecution of] Mohammadi is [being] used to instill fear among activists and also to demonstrate [Iran's] disdain for human rights principles," Rahmani said.

Eye on Iran is a periodic news summary from United Against Nuclear Iran (UANI) a program of the American Coalition Against Nuclear Iran, Inc., a tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Eye on Iran is not intended as a comprehensive media clips summary but rather a selection of media elements with discreet analysis in a PDA friendly format. For more information please email press@uani.com.

United Against Nuclear Iran (UANI) is a non-partisan, broad-based coalition that is united in a commitment to prevent Iran from fulfilling its ambition to become a regional super-power possessing nuclear weapons.  UANI is an issue-based coalition in which each coalition member will have its own interests as well as the collective goal of advancing an Iran free of nuclear weapons.

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