Monday, October 3, 2016

Eye on Iran: Iran Says New Attack Drone Modeled on Captured US Aircraft

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Iran's Revolutionary Guard has built a new attack drone which is similar to a U.S. unmanned aerial vehicle captured five years ago, Iranian media reported on Saturday. The semi-official Tasnim news agency says the "Saegheh" (Thunderbolt) drone is similar to the RQ-170 Sentinel spy drone. Iran's state-run Press TV says the long-range drone can carry four precision-guided bombs. Neither report gave figures for the drone's range. Iran claimed to have shot down an RQ-170 drone used by the Central Intelligence Agency in December 2011 and broadcast footage of the recovered aircraft. It also claims to have captured three American ScanEagle drones. Iran said last year that it had successfully tested its replica of the RQ-170. Also on Saturday, Tasnim published photos of what it said was a U.S.-made MQ-1C drone captured recently by the Guard. It did not say when or how the drone was captured.

Iran's total crude oil and condensate sales likely reached around 2.8 million barrels per day in September, two sources with knowledge of the matter said, nearly matching a 2011 peak in shipments before sanctions were imposed on the OPEC producer. The run-up from shipments of around 2.5 million bpd in August comes mainly from condensate, a light oil excluded from OPEC supply quotas that is often produced with natural gas and can be used to make naphtha for petrochemical production. Iran sold 600,000 bpd of condensate for September, including about 100,000 bpd shipped from storage, to meet robust demand in Asia, the two sources said. September crude exports increased slightly from the previous month to about 2.2 million bpd, they said.

German Economy Minister Sigmar Gabriel promised on Monday to remind the United States of its commitment to reduce sanctions against Iran, as he courted business ties during a two-day trip to the Islamic State. Speaking at the opening of an economic forum, Gabriel said Germany wanted to "remind the United States of the commitment to get to an effective dismantling of sanctions". Iran's Deputy Economy Minister Mohammad Khazaei said 10 economic agreements would be signed on the sidelines of Gabriel's visit. "I hope that this will smooth the way between both countries," he said. Gabriel has gone to Iran with a plane-load of industry executives.


The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Aerospace Force on Saturday released the first photos of a US drone captured by Iran. According to the IRGC, the photos show an American MQ-1C Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) now in possession of the IRGC forces. It is not clear when exactly the drone has been captured by Iran. The General Atomics MQ-1C Gray Eagle attack drone is a medium altitude long endurance (MALE) unmanned aircraft that is an upgraded MQ-1 Predator as an extended-range multi-purpose UAV.


Congressional Republicans quickly pounced Friday on a report that the administration agreed to support lifting United Nations sanctions on two Iranian banks on the same day the countries swapped prisoners. GOP lawmakers, fuming over a Wall Street Journal report, argue the allegations are the latest example of President Obama caving to Iran since last year's nuclear agreement, which every Republican in Congress opposed. Al-Monitor first reported the agreement in January, but the Journal's Thursday report outlining secret documents signed by senior State Department official Brett McGurk stoked lawmakers' fury. Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) called the new allegations a "blatant quid pro quo." "When the Senate is back in session, I will work with my colleagues to make sure administration officials-including Brett McGurk-are called to testify publicly about their role in this shameful charade," he said in a statement.


Iran has sold its first cargoes of natural gas condensate and crude oil to British companies, the director of international affairs at National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) said on Monday. "A cargo of one million barrels of natural gas condensate was delivered to BP," Mohsen Ghamsari was quoted as saying by Iran's semi-official Mehr news agency. "So far NIOC has sold two cargos of crude oil and gas condensate to two British companies," Ghamsari said, without naming the second company... Ghamsari said negotiations are underway for NIOC to sign long-term contracts with BP and Royal Dutch Shell, Mehr reported.

Hungary has struck a deal to buy one million barrels of crude oil from Iran, director for international affairs at the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) said on Saturday. "The contract to sell a cargo of one million barrels of crude oil to Hungary next month was finalised," Mohsen Ghamsari was quoted as saying by oil ministry's news agency SHANA.

German energy services company SAG Group has signed a memorandum of understanding with Iran Power and Water Equipment and Service Export Company (SUNIR) on engineering and implementation of power transmission lines as well as electricity generation and distribution. According to SUNIR's official website, the companies have agreed to cooperate in implementing projects, as well as in financing, training and technology transfer, IRNA reported on Wednesday. SAG is one of the leading service and system suppliers for electrical power, gas, water and telecommunication networks.

Once cultivated by Persian kings and believed to have healing powers, saffron is now fuelling the growth of a small German business that imports tons of the spice from Iran to make fine food products for sale in Europe and the Gulf. "We try to capture the soul of saffron and the magic it contains," says Michael Sabet, an Iranian-German business executive who quit his banking job six years ago to found Miasa GmbH, which is now doubling its revenues every year. Sabet is one of many German business leaders who see great business opportunities opening up in Iran after the end of sanctions related to its nuclear weapons programme.

Iran offered up to 13 years of tax holidays to hoteliers at an international tourism summit on Sunday as it seeks to boost visitor numbers and revamp its dilapidated hotels. "All economic activities related to... tourism will enjoy 100 percent tax holidays between five to 13 years depending on the region," deputy economy minister Mohammad Khazaei told hoteliers from 18 countries who had gathered in Tehran, many from Europe... "We are working actively on 10 to 15 projects in Iran," Christophe Landais, chief operating officer for France's Accor Hotels in Iran, told AFP... "We've been invited by many, many investors, many developers" to join in partnerships there, Imad Elias, chief of the Dubai-based Roda Hotels and Resorts, told AFP.


The Iranian Revolutionary Guard's General "Mohammad Reza Naghdi" along with some members of the Iranian regime's parliament have announced their opposition to the bill to join the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, stating that joining will lead to closure of the Student Basij, the regime's paramilitary force. The National Council of Resistance of Iran quoted Naghdi as saying "This is against the Islamic law according to which a person has a duty to fight upon reaching the age of puberty (in Iran 9 years old for girls and 15years old for boys) whereas joining this convention is prohibiting a Muslim from doing his responsibility." Naghdi stated that joining the Convention on the Rights of the Child is "totally irrational" and that "it's not going to happen." He added "This is by no means possible that we ask millions of young people who are ready and organized to defend their country, to put their guns down and put their trainings away and go sit at their houses. This is a retreat and our Basijies will never retreat." The Commander of Basij also said: "We are not obliged to join this convention. This is totally irrational and there is no reason we voluntarily do something that we are not obliged to."

Iran has rejected outright the demand of Germany's economy minister that it recognize Israel as a precondition for full normalization of ties between Berlin and Tehran. "Ties between the Islamic Republic of Iran and Germany are based on mutual respect and interests, and no precondition would be acceptable in this regard," Bahram Qasemi, a spokesman for the Iranian Foreign Ministry, said on Saturday, according to the official Iranian news outlet Press TV.


The United States and European Union on September 30 called on Iran to free Narges Mohammadi, a journalist and activist whose 16-year prison sentence was recently upheld by Iranian courts. Mohammadi was arrested last year after launching a campaign to end the death penalty in Iran. She was sentenced to 16 years in prison in May for founding a movement against the death penalty, which was deemed to be an illegal splinter group. "No one should be jailed for peaceful, civic activism," U.S. State Department spokesman Mark Toner said, noting that Mohammadi's health is "rapidly deteriorating" and she has been barred from communicating with her two young children... The European Union also issued a statement saying Mohammadi's imprisonment "sends a worrying signal about the human rights situation" in Iran.


Iran's auditors said Sunday that around 400 public sector officials face prosecution over their exorbitant salaries -- a scandal used by hardliners to tarnish the government ahead of next year's election. A report by the Audit Court found that executives at state-owned banks had earned as much as 622 million rials ($20,000) per month -- compared to average public sector salaries of $400. Ali Larijani, the parliament speaker, said the salaries were "a stain" on Iran's public sector, and that legal cases had been opened against all 397 officials who earned more than 200 million rials. "I hope (the report) will be the source of fundamental reform in the country so that individuals cannot take advantage (of the system)," he said, according to the Fars news agency.

Eye on Iran is a periodic news summary from United Against Nuclear Iran (UANI) a program of the American Coalition Against Nuclear Iran, Inc., a tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Eye on Iran is not intended as a comprehensive media clips summary but rather a selection of media elements with discreet analysis in a PDA friendly format. For more information please email

United Against Nuclear Iran (UANI) is a non-partisan, broad-based coalition that is united in a commitment to prevent Iran from fulfilling its ambition to become a regional super-power possessing nuclear weapons.  UANI is an issue-based coalition in which each coalition member will have its own interests as well as the collective goal of advancing an Iran free of nuclear weapons.

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