Monday, October 3, 2016

Florida Family Association asks FBI, FDLE and Orange County Sheriff where is Omar Mateen’s wife and are they going to let Noor Salman receive Mateen’s life insurance benefits?

Florida Family Association asks FBI, FDLE and Orange County Sheriff where is Omar Mateen’s wife and are they going to let Noor Salman receive Mateen’s life insurance benefits?

Omar Mir Seddique Mateen killed 49 people and wounded 53 others in a mass shooting at the Pulse gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida on June 12, 2016.  He was killed in a shootout with the local police.  However, Noor Salman, Omar Mateen's wife, is nowhere to be found.  Salman drove Mateen to scout out Downtown Disney and the Pulse club.  She drove him to the gun store.  She knew in advance that he planned to kill innocent people.  Yet the feds allowed her to go free.  Will they also allow Noor Salman to collect Omar Mateen's life insurance?  The US Attorney in California used the court to confiscate the life insurance benefits of the Jihadist killer in San Bernardino.

Florida Family Association reported in a September 5, 2016 email alert Florida Department of Law Enforcement affirms agency leads counter terrorism efforts in Florida. FFA asks if Florida will give Omar Mateen’s wife, Noor Salman, a pass as it appears the feds are doing.

The article reported that Florida Family Association followed up with an August 29, 2016 letter to the FDLE Commissioner which stated and asked:  Many people have expressed concern that Omar Mateen’s wife, Noor Salman,  left  the  area  and is no longer being investigated.    Based   upon    comments     made    by Attorney General  Loretta  Lynch,  it appears that the FBI does not know of her whereabouts.  Additionally, a DOJ   online   post   reported   that   a  grand jury was established immediately after the Orlando attack to look into Noor Salman’s involvement.  However, that post is no longer there.  Noor Salman admitted involvement and knowledge of the attack in Orlando.  However, it appears that the federal government is giving her a pass.  Is  the  FDLE  going to fill the void in Noor Salman’s investigation or will she go free sending a dangerous message to future would be terrorists and accomplices?

Florida Family Association did not receive a reply to the August 29, 2016 letter so the following letters were sent by email on September 14, 2016 and September 21, 2016 to:  Federal Bureau of Investigation - Paul Wysopal, AIC Tampa, Special  Agent  Ronald  Hopper (Orlando), Florida Department of Law Enforcement Commissioner Richard L. Swearingen and Orange County Sheriff Jerry Demings.

FBI LETTER Sent September 14, 2016, September 21, 2016

Paul Wysopal, AIC Tampa
Ronald Hopper (Orlando)
Federal Bureau of Investigation

I respectfully ask the following questions regarding Noor Salman:

•    Why doesn’t the FBI know where Noor Salman is living?
•    Why did the FBI release Noor Salman given reports that she drove Omar Mateen to preview Downtown Disney and the Pulse night club to plan an attack?  She also drove Omar Mateen to buy ammunition and knew of his plans to kill Pulse patrons.  She lived with Omar’s father who prayed in the mosque with Omar the night before the attack.
•    What is the status of the grand jury empaneled to investigate Noor Salman?
•    Why has no civil action been taken, as was done in the San Bernardino terrorist attack, to seize Omar Mateen’s life insurance benefits that he left to Noor Salman?

I look forward to your reply.

David Caton, President
Florida Family Association, Inc.

FDLE LETTER Sent September 14, 2016, September 21, 2016

Florida Department of Law Enforcement Commissioner Richard L. Swearingen

Dear Commissioner Swearingen,

This letter follows up my letter to you on August 29, 2016 in which I wrote:  “Noor Salman admitted involvement and knowledge of the attack in Orlando.  However, it appears that the federal government is giving her a pass.  Is the FDLE going to fill the void in Noor Salman’s investigation or will she go free sending a dangerous message to future would be terrorists and accomplices?”

I respectfully ask the following questions:

•    Why doesn’t law enforcement including the FDLE know where Noor Salman is living?
•    Why was Noor Salman released given reports that she drove Omar Mateen to preview Downtown Disney and the Pulse night club to plan an attack?  She also drove Omar Mateen to buy ammunition and knew of his plans to kill Pulse patrons.  She lived with Omar’s father who prayed in the mosque with Omar the night before the attack.
•    What is the status of the grand jury empaneled to investigate Noor Salman?
•    Why has no civil action been taken, as was done in the San Bernardino terrorist attack, to seize Omar Mateen’s life insurance benefits that he left to Noor Salman?

Your letter to me on August 10, 2016 confirmed that the Florida Department of Law Enforcement is the leading law enforcement authority to counter terrorism in Florida.  If this is not truly the case, please provide me with the name and contact information of the FBI AIC who knows the answers to these questions.

David Caton, President
Florida Family Association, Inc.


Sheriff Jerry Demings
Orange County Sheriff

Dear Sheriff Demings,

Noor Salman admitted involvement in the preparation for and knowledge of the attack in Orlando.  However, it appears that the federal government is giving her a pass.  Is the Orange County Sheriff going to fill the void in Noor Salman’s investigation or will she go free sending a dangerous message to future would be terrorists and accomplices?

I respectfully ask the following questions:
•    Why doesn’t law enforcement including the Orange County Sheriff know where Noor Salman is living?
•    Why was Noor Salman released given reports that she drove Omar Mateen to preview Downtown Disney and the Pulse night club to plan an attack?  She also drove Omar Mateen to buy ammunition and knew of his plans to kill Pulse patrons.  She lived with Omar’s father who prayed in the mosque with Omar the night before the attack.
•    What is the status of the grand jury empaneled to investigate Noor Salman?
•    Why has no civil action been taken, as was done in the San Bernardino terrorist attack, to seize Omar Mateen’s life insurance benefits that he left to Noor Salman?

The Florida Department of Law Enforcement letter to Florida Family Association dated August 10, 2016 states that they rely heavily upon local law enforcement in the investigation of terrorism.  We look forward to your response.  Thank you.

David Caton, President
Florida Family Association, Inc.

Florida Family Association will carefully continue to follow up on this situation.


Florida Family Association, Inc.
P.O. Box 46547, Tampa, FL 33646-0105
Telephone 813-690-0060

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