Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Patriots,”Infidels”,Your Kiddies Are In GRAVE Danger: HUSSEIN’s (Raping) “Refugees” On The Loose! Rape-Jihad Is A-Comin’. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

Patriots,”Infidels”,Your Kiddies Are In GRAVE Danger: HUSSEIN’s (Raping) “Refugees” On The Loose! Rape-Jihad Is A-Comin’. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

ACCORDING to Islam’s Mohammedan teachings and cultural norms which are underpinned by Sharia Law, the fact is that rape, pedophilia and related sexual crimes are acceptable forms of conduct. Contact. And this is not scare-mongering, nor “Islamophobic” smack-talk, as their apologists would have us believe.

MIND you, it is not as if it is lost on this investigative journalist and author what’s at stake, when one pries back the veil from Islam’s “prophet”, Muhammad. Simply put, it is inexorably dangerous. In fact, as a matter of global record, drawing cartoons re the suspect at hand is akin to lighting matches near gasoline. “Deserving” of beheading.

Pamela Geller’s life is at risk yet again from ISIS, after a leader of the radical Islamist terrorist group tweeted her address.

On Friday, a twitter account connected to British-born jihadi Abu Hussain al-Britani posted the address of Geller’s apartment in New York City – complete with apartment number – with the message #GoForth.

The message comes less than two weeks after a Muslim man named Usaamah Rahim was shot and killed by police officers in Boston before he could carry out of a plot to behead Geller for the Islamic State.

Geller has drawn the ire of ISIS for her work as the president of the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI) – an organization labeled a Muslim hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center which tracks hate groups.

In the aftermath of the attacks on the Charlie Hebdo officers in Paris, France in January Geller organized a ‘Draw the Prophet’ contest in Garland, Texas.

EVEN so, it is imperative to issue an All-Points Bulletin to America’s “infidel” parents, though numerous alarm bells previously blared from these pages re this very same heightened danger to the kiddies.

Muslim Immigration Leaves German Citizens Living in Fear for Their Lives and the Safety of Their Children

The following article is a first hand account, written by a German woman that lives in the apartment building referenced in this story:

Ostfriesland, Germany: Normally I stay out of most discussions that center around refugees, but I am beginning to blow a gasket! But let’s start from the beginning:

I live in a small town in the heart of Ostfriesland, here everything was always relatively peaceful, the amount of migrants was relatively low, and those that were here were friendly and peaceful.

A few months ago Syrian refugees moved into the multi-family home that I also live with my family. 
They were sincerely welcomed and nobody in the house had any prejudice.

Then, about 6 weeks ago, the first negative incident! Our daughter (12) as well as the two daughters of our neighbors (6,9) were sexually harassed, they were pushed against the wall in the staircase, kissed against their will, and groped on their breasts and their behind. Of course we had called the police because of this incident and filed a report.

After the refugees were hauled to the police station for questioning there was peace and quiet… for a while! But a short time later my daughter came back inside from playing, completely in fear and she told me that the refugees outside were making obscene gestures towards her, they grinned and with their tongues they made obscene gestures and licked their lips. This incident as well we reported to the police.

After the police came and again admonished the refugees, again there was peace in the house for a while.

But for the past 3 weeks now, it is over and done with peace and quiet. Every weekend, the refugees rampage and riot through the building, drugs, alcohol, and the later it gets in the day the more fights there are, fists and knives. Last night they rioted again, my apartment door was kicked in, the entire staircase is full of blood (see video)…

My sympathy for these people is coming to an end… And our dear police has zero control over this. The children here in the house are all nothing but afraid anymore, they don’t even dare to go outside to play anymore, this just can’t be that nobody does anything against this.

BUT it is precisely due to the Koran’s catastrophic knock-on effects via the nihilistic teachings of Muhammad, Islam’s madman (a rapist, pedophile, sadist, pilferer, and clinical psychopath), that full disclosure and non-silence becomes mandatory.   

The fundamental problem with Islam is the belief that God talked to Muhammad and dictated the contents of the Koran to him. Muslims are indoctrinated into believing this is so, and they act on the numerous incitements to violence that they find in it.

MOST significantly, a national (western) decision, post haste, has to be made. Thus, the urgent question becomes: will patriots, aka “infidels”, agree to live under Shariah Law’s dictates – be they the Laws of Blasphemy or what not – or will they proclaim, for now and forever: hell no, Allah/Muhammad must go from America’s landscape?
INDEED, the follow-on question is: since raping non-Muslims is allowable under Shariah Law, what is the likelihood that the exact same rape epidemic taking place all over Europe won’t occur within America, and with tens of thousands of “refugees” settling in? Do pigs fly?  

One of the world’s most respected Sunni scholars, Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, recently told an audience on his al-Jazeera television show that “To be absolved from guilt, the raped woman must have shown some sort of good conduct.”

Dr. Abd al-Aziz Fawazan al-Fawzan, a professor of Islamic law said that “If a woman gets raped walking in public alone, then she, herself is at fault. She is only seducing men by her presence. She should have stayed at home like a Muslim woman.”

This was echoed by the imam of a Salafist mosque in Cologne, Germany in the wake of the shocking sex abuse rampage by recently arrived Muslims on New Year’s Eve in 2015.  He explained that “the events” (which included rape) “were the girls’ own fault because they were half-naked and wearing perfume.

When it came to light in 2016 that a 13-year-old British girl had been abused by a dozen Pakistani rapists, certain members of the Muslim community said they believed the victim “played her part.”

In 2013, Syria’s chief Mufti, Sheikh Abd al-Rahman Ali al-Dala, issued a statement that gives soldiers religious permission to rape the women they capture.

There can be also no such thing as rape in a Muslim marriage, even if the husband has to hit the wife in order to bring about her submission.  Another recent fatwa reminds a woman, she “does not have the right to refuse her husband, rather she must respond to his request every time he calls her.” (Islam Q&A, Fatwa No. 33597).
PATRIOTS, is it any wonder why Muhammadans, regardless of all else, should be considered a clear and present danger, the “most wanted” of all suspects? 

ONE more word of caution: you are on your own. The police have their hands tied into numerous (PC-driven) knots and will be of little assistance!

{re-blogged at Conservative Firing Line}

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