Friday, October 7, 2016

SEE OUR NEW BILLBOARD! The Rebel fights back against Justin Trudeau and Gerald Butts.

The Rebel

Gerald Butts is the best friend and closest advisor to Justin Trudeau who billed taxpayers $127,000 to move from Toronto to Ottawa.

It wasn't until Butts got caught that he offered to pay back a small fraction of the cost. But a fraction isn't enough. Butts still needs to be held accountable for his outrageous cash grab.

Of course, the mainstream media has already moved on from the issue. If this were Mike Duffy, there would have been calls for the auditor general and a criminal prosecution. But this is a Liberal, so the media has long since moved on.

Well, we at The Rebel wanted to keep the pressure on, so we launched a petition at and we went one step further.

We crowdfunded a mobile billboard to drive around Ottawa and send a clear message to Trudeau — Gerald Butts needs to pay the money back!


We parked it right outside Parliament Hill, just click here to watch all of the amazing footage.

But our mobile billboard campaign isn’t cheap — it’s about $4,000 for the artwork and the truck. And unlike Trudeau, we don’t have taxpayers dollars to fight our battles. We rely on you — our loyal viewers and supporters.

If you liked our mobile billboard, and the fact that we aren’t dropping this story like the CBC is, please consider helping us out, with a contribution by clicking here.

Remember, I'm on your side,

Brian Lilley

P.S. Please make sure you’ve signed our petition, and share it on facebook by typing as your status on Facebook.

P.P.S. Please Help us cover the approximately $4,000 cost of our massive, mobile billboard. Click here and make a donation now.

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