Tuesday, March 13, 2018

The Palestinian Peace Plan

In this mailing:
  • Bassam Tawil: The Palestinian Peace Plan
  • Uzay Bulut: Turkish Diplomacy: Take Hostages

The Palestinian Peace Plan

by Bassam Tawil  •  March 13, 2018 at 5:00 am
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  • Opposing a peace initiative because you do not like its content is one thing. Opposing a peace initiative designed to improve the lives of your people is another thing entirely.
  • Palestinian leaders do not care about their own people, so why should they care about peace with Jews?
  • They will never accept another plan, even if it comes from Prophet Muhammad.
Not only are Hamas and Mahmoud Abbas wholly shirking their responsibility to their people, they also are prepared to foil any attempt by outsiders, in this case the US, to work towards ending the crisis in the Gaza Strip. Pictured: Mahmoud Abbas, President of the Palestinian Authority. (Photo by Drew Angerer/Getty Images)
It is easy to see why Palestinians would be opposed to the US administration's upcoming plan for peace in the Middle East. The Palestinians do not like what they are hearing about the plan, which has not yet been made public.
Opposing a peace initiative because you do not like its content is one thing. Opposing a peace initiative designed to improve the lives of your people is another thing entirely. The latter defies logic and reveals the disappointing aspects of human nature.
Palestinian hatred of the US administration and President Donald Trump is so intense that the Palestinians are prepared to prolong the misery of their people.
Palestinian leaders care nothing for their people's ongoing suffering. Give those leaders jobs, money and power, and their people be damned.
Once again, the two million Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip have fallen victim to their leaders' greed, carelessness and idiocy.

Turkish Diplomacy: Take Hostages

by Uzay Bulut  •  March 13, 2018 at 4:00 am
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  • Ankara's detention of the two Greek soldiers appears to be the latest instance of what has come to be called Turkey's "hostage-taking diplomacy." Other examples include a German-Turkish journalist, Deniz YĆ¼cel; a French journalist Loup Bureau, and an American pastor, Andrew Brunson, among others. All were imprisoned in Turkey on trumped-up terrorism-related charges. Pastor Brunson has been behind bars since October 2016, but the Turkish judiciary has yet to produce an indictment spelling out the charges against him.
  • According to Freedom House project director "Turkish hostage-taking has become one of the most pressing problems in relations between Ankara and its Western allies. It is something that everyone knows is happening, but political leaders and diplomats are reluctant to call it by its name." -- Nate Schenkkan, project director, Freedom House.
  • It is high time the West had a serious discussion about whether Turkey's aggressive and illegal actions in the region really comply with the principles of NATO and the EU.
American Pastor Andrew Brunson, pictured with his wife Norine, has been jailed in Turkey since October 2016 on spurious charges of "being a member of an armed terrorist organization". The Turkish judiciary has yet to produce an indictment spelling out the charges against him. "He is being held simply because of his Christian beliefs and is facing grave danger in a Turkish prison," according to the American Center for Law and Justice.
Turkey's arrest on March 2 of two Greek soldiers on suspicion of espionage, after the pair entered a "prohibited military zone" along the border, should be cause for alarm in the West. When they were arrested – in the small space between Turkish and Greek guard posts -- Angelos Mitretodis and Dimitris Kouklatzis explained that they had simply strayed by a few meters in the thick forest, due to the poor weather conditions. They had difficulty seeing where they were going, and so followed tracks in the snow.
Their lawyers' plea for their release was rejected by a court in Edirne, on the grounds that "images were found in the cell phones of the soldiers, who intended to send the footage to their superiors."


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