Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Why Do WE Do What We Do?

Why Do WE Do What We Do?

It is a crime to remain silent in the face of evil, it is said. Thus we are speaking up and urging other good men and women to raise their resonant voices while they still can, before they are brutally silenced by creeping sharia and the advancing jihad.

Humankind has suffered horrific wars in the past. Yet the present multi-form and multi-front war waged by Muslims has the potential of inflicting more suffering and destroying more lives than ever before. Ruthless Islamic forces advance rapidly in their conquests, while those of freedom are acquiescing and retreating. Before long, Islam is poised to achieve its Allah-mandated goal of cleansing the earth of all non-Muslims through ‘grand Jihad’ and establishing the Islamic Ummah.

Who Are WE:

We are human rights activists; some of us are free thinkers, and others are Christians and Jews and adherents of other religions. We all have come from different backgrounds, but our common goal is love for our fellow human beings and the promotion of rational thought. We all believe that Islam is the greatest threat to peace and humanity at large. People like us are to Islam what Voltaire, Thomas Paine and Bertrand Russell were to Christianity. We do not promote or condone terrorism. It is Islam that promotes terrorism. We are determined to do all we can to minimize its power and help people leave Islam’s slavery.

Our beliefs and ideas make us who we are, and the qualities of those beliefs and ideas determine the type of person we are. We shield and fiercely defend our beliefs and ideas for good reason: without both integrity and internal harmony, the mind becomes disorganized and even dysfunctional. The mental immune system gradually formed after birth protects the mind and takes every measure to keep the mind ideas and beliefs on the same page. In general, we inherit our opinions. We are the heirs of habits and mental customs. Our beliefs, like the fashion of our dresses, depend on where we were born. We are molded and fashioned by our environment. 

What Is Sharia Law?

The purpose of writing this is to express our grave concern about the advancement of Sharia (Islamic law) in America and worldwide. We see our cherished way of life eroded. The very freedoms we enjoy are used against us under the freedom of religion provisions in our Constitution. Unless our government takes action to prevent the spread of Sharia, it will advance to our detriment and the loss of our personal freedom.

Is this a condemnation of all followers of Islam? No. It is, however, a condemnation of Islam, which seeks to impose Sharia on our great country on the grounds that Sharia is an expression of the Muslim faith.

Sharia was promulgated in the seventh century and has changed little since then. Sharia is the antithesis of the laws of our land, which stem from our Constitution and the premise that all men are created equal. Under Sharia, fathers could kill their daughters and wives for certain violations of that law (honor killing); wives may be summarily divorced by their husbands; and for some offenses, violators must be stoned to death or have their extremities cut off. Women are severely restricted in what they may wear, must have a male family member escort when they leave the home, and are not fit subjects for higher education. To impose such mandates and restrictions upon American citizens would be a gross violation of our laws; we rightly take pride in being a “nation of laws.”

By ignoring the fact that Sharia is a body of laws, and not solely religious law, America comes closer to the day when the application of Sharia in our land will be a reality rather than a threat. Sharia should be recognized for what it is. Sharia is the legal foundation of a theocratic, dictatorial government that Islam seeks to impose on America, a form of despotism no less foreign to American freedoms than communism, fascism, and other forms of dictatorship. Sharia combines religion and state. Sharia’s substantive content is complete opposite of America’s Constitution and derivative laws, whose content assures liberty and justice for all, and thus shape our unique way of life.
The United States Congress should legislatively prohibit Sharia and the practice of Sharia in America.

Islam and Muslims

The fact that Islam is followed by over a billion people is irrelevant. The Quran promotes terrorism. That is what counts.  The number of its adherents does not change the fact.  Muhammad himself was a warlord, and those Muslims who follow him to the letter are practicing terrorism. No one can deny this fact. The evidence is in every day’s news.

We do not apologize for what we do. We passionately are against terrorism. We do practice our rights to freedom of thought and freedom of expression.

It is our birthright to have our own opinion and to express them. This freedom has not been given to us by anyone except God, and no one can take it away from us. This right includes criticizing any belief. Beliefs are not sacrosanct. Truth does not require the protection of the law. Islam’s lies cannot stand scrutiny. But lies should not be protected by law.

Laws are not created to protect the sentiments of people, but their rights. We have right to free speech, and free thought must never be sacrificed to protect someone’s religious sentiments. We don’t run, and we don’t apologize. We stand up and fight for our right and for the rights of everyone else.
Even though we don’t need this job and can find another one, we have chosen to fight back. Fight back the tyranny of the state, and if necessary make this matter come to the world’s attention. There are thousands of freedom-fighters who will make your case heard across the world, and will stand up with you to defend your rights. If your rights are violated, the right of everyone is violated.
We request your active support in this important endeavor.

The Truth Must be Told

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