One of my HEROES mailed me the other day, to invite me to join her organization.
I was so jazzed Phyllis Chesler, would actually write to me,, I joined right then and there.
I wrote her, to ask for her permission to share her amazing articles with you guys, and she said YES!!
So,, here is her first article, and guaranteed,, it will be one of many!
Phyllis,, you truly ROCK, you are a major hero to me!!!
The Phyllis Chesler Organization | |||||
Iran Solidarity Day: A Stand Against Apartheid
Excerpt: It has finally happened. Someone other than me and a small handful of others who are also demonized as racists—actually views the Islamic/Islamist regime of Iran as an Apartheid regime and is calling for an anti-apartheid-like protest and solidarity movement against the Islamic Republic of Iran. Hot damn! Please note that this movement has been launched in the UK and amazingly, is not a protest against Israel as an allegedly "racist, apartheid" state. There is a God after all. I have been haunted by the information coming out of Teheran, about the murder and torture of so many young Iranians—so many of them women as well as men—and our true future allies. Read the complete original version of this item... Related Topics: Islamic Gender and Religious Apartheid | |||||
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