Thursday, November 19, 2009

11-16-09: Video: Giuliani Blasts NYC Trials as Unnecessary Benefit to Terrorists

November 16th
Ethics watchdog probes W.H. officials on Olympics bid. Ft. Hood - Obama's Wake-Up call? How "O" can save his presidency. Is he ‘mishandling' Israel-Palestinian juggernaut? Is he trying to ‘community-organize' the world?' PC in our military is suicidal.



FSM Wants To Hear From You!

Peter Gadiel says in today's article that:

"The political correctness which facilitated, or to be more accurate, was a cause of the Fort Hood murders is an attitude that has been fostered by many extremely well funded organizations and individuals. Most prominent in this regard being the Ford Foundation George Soros, acting through their many surrogate legal and lobbying groups such as the ACLU, Puerto Rican Legal Defense and Education Fund, LaRaza, and literally dozens upon dozens of such groups that infect America."

What do you think? Read the article and then comment here!

FSM Monday Postings

FSM has had a busy weekend. Please scroll all the way down so that you don't miss any of the new articles, videos and hot topics added since Friday!

Exclusive: Is the Term ‘Politically Correct' More Accurately ‘Un-American'?

Peter Gadiel

May we now describe as "un-American" those who obliterate the truth about 9/11 and ignore the radicalism of a jihadist like Major Hasan?

It's Time to Hold All U.S. Government Officials Accountable

Maj. Gen. Paul E. Vallely, US Army (Ret)

Fraud, lying and corruption are rampant in the institutions of government and some have engaged in treasonous activities. They know who they are, as do the people.

Why Are 9/11 Killers Being Tried in New York?

Gregory D. Lee

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and four others will face federal trial on criminal charges in New York, yet other Gitmo detainees will undergo future military tribunals. Does any of this make any sense?

Today's Blog Topics

Video: Giuliani Blasts NYC Trials as Unnecessary Benefit to Terrorists
Video: Uncovered President's Statement when a U.S. Senator - KSM Will Get ‘Full Military Trial'
Video: Liz Cheney talks about Sarah Palin and who may run for President in 2012
Video: 'Fox News Sunday' panel discusses 9/11 trials being held in NYC
Video: Gingrich: Contract with America round 2
A changing story - Death by "Political Correctness."
Team Obama claims their decision to move 100 terrorist killers to Illinois will create or save 2,000-3,500 jobs.
Does ACORN have a 'constitutional right' to your tax dollars?
Video: O'Reilly: Khalid Sheikh Mohammed Gets a Break
Video: Rudy Giuliani - We are in a state of denial - 9-11 suspects should NOT be tried in our criminal courts
Video: Krauthammer: Giving KSM the rights of an American Citizen is Unconscionable
Video: Vietnam-Era POW Gets Wedding Ring Back
Video: CIC Declines to Defend US Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Video: Rush Limbaugh - The insidious agenda lurking behind White House's decision to try 9/11 terrorists in civilian courts.
Video: Doug Hoffman on Cavuto: "Pelosi Swore In Bill Owens Before NY State Certified the Race"

Treasury, Justice Target Iranian Regime Assets

Steve Emerson

On November 12, 2009, the Justice Department dealt a major blow to Iranian nuclear ambitions and terrorist financing efforts.

Exclusive: Who Are Today's ‘Useful Idiots'?

Dick McDonald

Is Vladimir Lenin's concept of "useful idiots" playing itself out in America today?

Exclusive: Decision to Try 9/11 Masterminds in New York a Slap in the Face to All Americans

Pam Meister

We treat violent Islamic terrorists like common criminals who deserve due process. Not even Hollywood could come up with a plot this ridiculous.

‘A World Without Nuclear Weapons': Prologue for a Mistaken Strategic Nuclear Policy

Professor Louis René Beres, Lt. Gen. Tom McInerney, Maj. Gen. Paul Vallely (USA/Ret.)

Like it or not, there are major threats on the horizon that may still call for anticipatory self-defense.

A Call to Action: Remind the Government They Work for Us

The Editors

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed will brag about the slaughter of 3,000 innocent Americans and his lawyers will tell a "jury of his peers" that he is a victim of the U.S. Government. This is insanity.

The ‘Man-Made Disaster' that Nearly Collapsed Our Economy

Alan Caruba

Will we ever know who launched an attack on the United States that has been more devastating than any in our history?

In Congress, Ignorance is Strength

Edward Cline

No, he isn't aware of the Constitution mandating Congress the power to force Americans to buy health insurance. And that unawareness won't stop him from advocating such compulsion.

Where Do We Get These Men and Women?

Newt Gingrich

Where do our outstanding, patriotic Americans come from? Last week, the answer was Killeen, Texas.

Exclusive: The Empire State Strikes Back

Satire by Shawn Goodwin

When Frank Sinatra performed the song "New York, New York," he crooned that he wanted to wake up in a city that never sleeps. Had he lived long enough, he could fulfill his desire to wake up in a state that never pays its bills.

Today's Hot Topics

We choose, you peruse.

  1. This trial's an error By MICHAEL GOODWIN
  2. Obama urges Congress to put off Fort Hood probe (AP)
  3. Netanyahu Threatens to Retaliate if Palestinians Declare Statehood (FOX)
  4. Irishman wants to kill for Islam (TIMES UK)
  5. U.S., Russia agree to prod Iran on nukes (WT)
  6. Tragedy or Scandal? We weaseled and equivocated and appeased. By Mark Steyn
  7. Some Fear Bush Administration Could Become Target in 9/11 Trial (FOX)
  8. Mr. Obama's War - Political correctness and naiveté won't defeat Islamofascism. By Jed Babbin
  9. A Tax a Day - Turning Medicare into an income redistribution program. (WSJ)
  10. The KSM Trial Will Be an Intelligence Bonanza for al Qaeda (WSJ)
  11. The Rationing Commission - Meet the unelected body that will dictate future medical decisions. (WSJ)
  12. U.S. troops battle Taliban, Afghan rules (WT)
  13. Two Egyptian Copts get death over Muslim killing (REUTERS)
  14. Republican Leader: ‘Irresponsible Decision' to Try 9/11 Mastermind in Federal Court (CNS)
  15. Napolitano Announces Administration Plan to Give Amnesty to Illegal Aliens (CNS)
  16. Medicare cuts approved by House may affect access to providers (WP)
  17. President Obama takes heat on Afghan timing (POLITICO)
  18. S.Korea keeps military on alert over N. Korean threat (BREITBART)
  19. Justice Denied (IBD)
  20. This trial's an error (NYPOST)
  21. Pentagon PC is killing U.S. soldiers By: Diana West
  22. Call evil by its rightful name - It's terrorism, Mr. President (REVIEW JOURNAL)
  23. A health care plan so flawed even some Democrats have doubts (KANSAS CITY STAR)
  24. Immigration: new facts emerging By: Michael Barone
  25. British P.M.: Afghan War Vital to Stopping Al Qaeda (AP)

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