Thursday, November 19, 2009

11-18-09: WRONG, WRONG, WRONG….Bringing the 9/11 terrorists to NY is an irresponsible, dangerous and cynical act.

November 18th
"The clock is ticking, Mr. President." The buck stops nowhere! Howard Galganov: Much to remember; much to think about. Could the bad news actually get worse? Lowry: ‘Let the Senate be the Senate!' Can Sarah make a comeback?




John Howard

Bringing the 9/11 terrorists to the United States for trial in civilian courts is an irresponsible, dangerous and cynical act. But it is consistent with the Left's project.

How Does the 4th Amendment Impact Terror Finance Investigations?

Steve Emerson

What rights, if any, should alleged terrorist financiers be afforded?

Obama's Doubletalk on Political Dissent

Michelle Malkin

In China, the president proclaimed himself "a big supporter of non-censorship," but his FCC chief appears to be waging war on political opponents here at home. Is there a contradiction here?

Exclusive: Book Review - ‘Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld that's Conspiring to Islamize America'

Renee Taylor

With far-reaching tentacles that range from ties to the radical Muslim Brotherhood to moles within the offices of our own Congress, CAIR's operatives continue to spread their web of deception.

Today's Blog Topics

Video: Krauthammer rips President for trying KSM in NY
Video: Jeanine Pirro - tries to make "The View" understand the horrors of putting terrorist on trial in NY
Video: Former Attorney General says the Administration is in a pre-9/11 mentality.
Justice Delayed - Holder's friends in the al-Qaeda bar caused the trial delays he now criticizes.
Video: Who's Accountable When Stimulus Data is Erroneous?
Audio: Fight on the Right! David Frum & John Ziegler duke it out over Palin.
Video: ‘Teabagger' Ranks as Runner-Up for Oxford's ‘Word of the Year'
Video: Palin: I Want to Play a Major Role in National Politics, 'If People Will Have Me'
Video: Keep America Safe Chairwoman Liz Cheney on Your World w/Neil Cavuto
Video: Sarah Palin Interview on Rush Limbaugh
Video: Krauthammer attacks "narcissism" of Hawaii-born, Indonesia-raised President for calling himself the "first Pacific president"

Exclusive: Helsinki Hillary - A Case of the Stockholm Syndrome In An Exiled Leader?

Dr. Robin McFee

Was the 2008 election a referendum against moderates or old timers in politics?

An Alarmist Modeler's History of ‘Climate Change'

Paul Driessen

Climate changes and their causes through the ages, as explained by Gore and modelers with an agenda.

Who is Behind ‘Media Reform?' (Part Two)

Cliff Kincaid

What kind of "new media" we could expect if "reform" is enacted? And who is pushing for such "reform?"

Caption Contest: Top Entries - November 18

And the winner is...

Today's Hot Topics

We choose, you peruse.

  1. Somali Pirates Attack U.S.-Flagged Ship Again (FOX)
  2. Former NYC prison guard who was blinded, nearly raped by al-Qaeda inmates warns against plan to try jihadists in city
  3. Trying KSM in Civilian Court: Inconsistent, Indefensible, Inexplicable (CNS)
  4. Republicans See More Chances to Block Gitmo Prisoners from U.S. Soil (FOX)
  5. Mideast meltdown - O's 'peace' policy is imploding By BENNY AVNI
  6. $98 Billion Taxpayer Dollars Wasted by Government Agencies, Report Says (AP)
  7. Obama gets delay of Fort Hood probe (WT)
  8. Governor Paterson Knew About Holder's Decision Six Months Ago? (RUSH LIMBAUGH)
  9. Stimulus Fraud (IBD)
  10. NATO chief: quick exit from Afghanistan will unleash 'global jihad' (TELEGRAPH UK)
  11. In the rubble of Pakistan, bin Laden's voice remains (INDEPENDENT)
  12. Hasan's ties to radical cleric raise issues for law enforcement (WA PO)
  13. Wafa Sultan and the nature of Islam (NORTH STAR JOURNAL)
  14. Iran, Its Hostages and the West (WSJ)
  15. TARP's Moment of Truth (WSJ)
  16. A payroll tax cut would add three to four million jobs at a fraction of the cost of the stimulus bill. (WSJ)
  17. Health 'Reform' Gets a Failing Grade (WSJ)
  18. White House won't provide witnesses for Fort Hood hearing (WA PO)
  19. Hard Evidence - Seven salient facts about Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan. By Christopher Hitchens
  20. House Health Care Bill Provides Grants to Increase Teen Contraception Use (CNS)
  21. Religious Freedom Group, GOP Seek Dismissal of Lawsuit Banning References to God at Capitol Visitors Center (CNS)
  22. Security threats inside and out for 9/11 trial (AP)
  23. Is America at War? By Patrick J. Buchanan
  24. Abortion clause raises problems for Obama (FT)
  25. Jobs 'Saved or Created' in Congressional Districts That Don't Exist (ABC)

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