Thursday, November 19, 2009

Somalia: Woman Stoned to Death by Islamic Supremacists


Somalia: Woman Stoned to Death by Islamic Supremacists

Responsible for Equality And Liberty (R.E.A.L.)
href=""> href="">

Yet href=""
stoning in Somalia
with a crowd of 200 watching - this is the href=""
stoning in Somalia this month
.  This latest stoning of a woman on
November 17, 2009 was done by the Islamic supremacist group al-Shabab. 
BBC and other news services conflict over the age of the woman who was stoned
to death (see reports below).

This is the href=""
that also href=""
mce_href="">used Sharia law to
justify the stoning
of 13 year old girl Aisha Ibrahim Duhulow. 
Aisha, who was a victim of gang-rape, was also href=""
mce_href="">stoned to death

while a crowd of 1000 watched.  We urge you to href=""
mce_href="">sign our petition

demanding government and international recognition of the anti-freedom
ideology of Islamic supremacism used to oppress and to justify violence and
murder against women (and men).

mce_href="">-- BBC reports:
"Somali woman stoned for adultery"
-- "A 20-year-old woman divorcee
accused of committing adultery in Somalia has been stoned to death by
Islamists in front of a crowd of about 200 people."
-- "A judge working for
the militant group al-Shabab said she had had an affair with an unmarried
29-year-old man."
-- "He said she gave birth to a still-born baby and was
found guilty of adultery. Her boyfriend was given 100 lashes."
-- "It is
thought to be the second time a woman has been stoned to death for adultery by
-- "The group controls large swathes of southern Somalia where
they have imposed a strict interpretation of Islamic law which has been
unpopular with many Somalis."
-- "According to reports from a small village
near the town of Wajid, 250 miles (400km) north-west of the capital,
Mogadishu, the woman was taken to the public grounds where she was buried up
to her waist."
-- "She was then stoned to death in front of the crowds on
Tuesday afternoon."
-- "The judge, Sheikh Ibrahim Abdirahman, said her
unmarried boyfriend was given 100 lashes at the same venue."
-- "Under
al-Shabab's interpretation of Sharia law, anyone who has ever been married -
even a divorcee - who has an affair is liable to be found guilty of adultery,
punishable by stoning to death."
-- "An unmarried person who has sex before
marriage is liable to be given 100 lashes."
-- "BBC East Africa
correspondent Will Ross says the stoning is at least the fourth for adultery
in Somalia over the last year."
-- "Earlier this month, a man was stoned to
death for adultery in the port town of Merka, south of Mogadishu."
-- "His
pregnant girlfriend was spared, until she gives birth."
-- "Last month, two
men were stoned to death in Merka after being accused of spying."
"President Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, a moderate Islamist, was sworn in as
president after UN-brokered peace talks in January."
-- "Although he says
he also wants to implement Sharia, al-Shabab says his version of Islamic law
would be too lenient."
-- "The country has not had a functioning national
government for 18 years."

-- mce_href="">SINA News
quotes Sheikh Abdurrahman, "a Al-Shabaab court judge in ElBon village in
Bakool region," as stating
: "Haliimo Ibraahim Abdurrahman, 29, who had
been previously married, had an illegal sex with Nanah Mohamed Maadey, 20,
previously unmarried, and they have confessed to the acts in front of the
court which sentenced Halimo to be stoned to death and Nanah to receive 100
lashes in accordance with the Islamic law."

-- href=""
Africa News 24/DPA reports: "Somali woman stoned to death"
-- "Somali
insurgent group al-Shabaab has stoned a 29-year-old married woman to death for
adultery, the second such execution this month, officials said."
-- "Sheikh
Ibrahim Sheikh Abdirahman, an al-Shabaab judge, also ordered the woman's
sexual partner, and unmarried man, to receive one hundred lashes."
"Hundreds of spectators watched the stoning late on Tuesday in the village of
Eelbon, southern Somalia."
-- "Al-Shabaab and its ally Hizbul Islam are
battling the weak central government and control much of south and central
Somalia. They have been implementing strict sharia, or Islamic law, in the
areas they control, ordering floggings and executions. They have also banned
musical ringtones and dancing at weddings. An estimated 19 000 civilians have
died since early 2007 in Somalia's bloody insurgency..."

-- mce_href="">Daily Nation reports
"Somalia: Woman Stoned to Death for Adultery":

--- "Mogadishu — An
unnamed woman was stoned to death at Eel-boon in Wajid district, 330
kilometres southwest of Mogadishu, on Wednesday. She was sentenced by an
Islamic court after she was found guilty of adultery."
--- "The woman was
taken to a square, her body half buried and then stoned."
--- "A crowd was
present as well as officials of al-Shabaab, an Islamist movement that opposes
the Transitional Federal Government and controls a large territory in Southern
and Central Somalia."
--- "A young man, who was also caught in the same
adulterous act, received 100 strokes of the cane."
--- "According to Sheikh
Ibrahim Sheikh Abdurahman, a judge of the Islamic court who sentenced the
woman to death and the man to whipping said the cases differed."
--- " 'The
woman was had been married before and under Sharia (Islamic law) she is to be
stoned to death upon proof,' said Sheikh Abdurahman."
--- " 'The young man
with no previous marriage experience is to receive 100 whips under the same
law,' he added."
--- "Last Friday, another Islamic court that falls under
the control of al-Shabaab sentenced a young man to death by stoning in Marka
town, 110 kilometres south of Mogadishu. He was found guilty of committing
adultery following a case of alleged rape."
--- "At a football stadium
facing the Indian Ocean, the condemned man was taken to a corner of the
playground, his body half buried in dirt before youngsters started hitting him
with stones."
--- "Before the execution, the clergymen who rule Marka town
and surrounding areas announced that a woman who had also been sentenced for
committing adultery was in custody, to be stoned."
--- "The woman is said
to be pregnant."
--- "Al-Shabaab and Hizbu Islam, the Islamist groups that
strongly oppose the TFG, generally enforce the severe punishments."
--- "In
2008, a teenage girl was accused of adultery in Kismayu, 500 kilometres south
of Mogadishu, sentenced by a court and stoned to death."

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