Monday, January 4, 2010

01-04-10:Exclusive: Fatal Attraction – The Left’s Perilous Embrace of Radical Islam

January 4th

Smoking gun ‘dot.' Krauthammer: ‘War? What war?' The imprudent tyranny of Harry Reid. ‘Taxpayer RobberyGate!' Winston Churchill: "Nothing in life is so exhilarating as to be shot at without result!" Serfdom vs. liberty in 2010.

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FSM Monday Postings

FSM has had a busy

Holiday weekend. Please scroll all the way down so that you don't miss any of the new FSM Features, Videos, Hot Topics or other items.

Exclusive: Fatal Attraction - The Left's Perilous Embrace of Radical Islam

Alex Alexiev

The romance of the American Left with radical Islam is already having a dramatic effect on Washington's willingness to confront the radical Islamist threat that is certain to get worse.

Abdulmutallab: A Jihadi Human Missile

Dr. Walid Phares

Jihadists worldwide have discovered the Achilles heel of American defenses: the inability of its security apparatus to identify the readying of the new weapon, its deployment and its launching.

Exclusive: Could an Important Ambassadorial Appointment Be Based on D.C. Political Games?

Carolyn Cooke

Will Mari Carmen Aponte be awarded the job of representing the interests of American citizens in El Salvador through her Department of State position?

Exclusive: Why Does the Constitution Matter Anyway?

Dianna Cotter

We are now at the mercy of an unconstrained, uncontrolled, unconstitutional Federal Government that believes the Constitution is irrelevant...and it shows.

Video: Kristol has set forth a stinging indictment of the Administration's handling of the war on terror.
Video: Debra Burlingame Discusses President's Statement on Terror Attack
Video: Worst Political Scandal of 2009? "Eric Holder Investigating Torture"
Video: ABC News: Suicide Bomber Who Killed Agents Was a Regular CIA Informant
Video: Threats From al Qaeda Triggers US Closure of American Embassy in Yemen
Video: ‘Jobs, Jobs, Jobs': Is the Stimulus Plan the ‘Epic Fail' of 2009?
The Lesson: Passengers Are Not Helpless.
Why the Health-Care Bills Are Unconstitutional
They Have Awoken a Sleeping Giant America
The Love Affair between Liberals and Terrorists

Saul Alinsky and the Rise of Amorality in American Politics

D. L. Adams

The amorality of Alinsky has brought our nation to a breaking point. This is good for the true believers of Alinsky who run our government, but bad for those who love liberty, democracy, and the future growth and stability of the United States.

Exclusive: Sherlock Holmes and the Empire

William R. Hawkins

There was no need for Hollywood to go outside this vast body of work to create such a political story. Worse, the plot twist dishonors Holmes' creator as Conan Doyle was a staunch defender of the British Empire.

Erroll Southers' TSA Qualifications: Light on Experience and Truth, but Union-Friendly!

Gregory D. Lee

Southers unlawfully accessed sensitive law enforcement information. It is a federal misdemeanor to do so. Is this the man we want heading the Transportation Security Administration?

We Have Met the Enemy and He is Us

Frank Hill

Personal responsibility raises its beautiful head, once again, at the beginning of a New Year.

Stop the Bailouts!

Alan Caruba

"Imposing onerous financial regulations will only impede the reconstitution of financial institutions, delay the recovery, and dampen the pace of long-term economic growth." You think?

On Terrorism it's Time to Know, to Profile, and to Discriminate

Newt Gingrich

There are some first steps toward defeating the extremists that our national security officials should take, before there is a tragic attack that kills a horrifying number of people.

Basic American Principles

Rep. Susan Lynn

Let's look at some of the foundational principles of American government; the principles that made our nation great.

Were Former Gitmo Detainees Behind Christmas Day Plot?

Steve Emerson

Who trained Abdulmutallab, who was the mastermind of this plot and was it connected to those that had been released prior to this plot?

Stopping Terror Before Takeoff

James Carafano, PhD

Al Qaeda will eventually figure out how to do an end-run around any quick-fix security that we initiate. America needs a better long-term answer to aviation safety.

Underreported Stories of 2009

Michelle Malkin

Journalistic sins of omission are often far more damning and more telling than sins of commission.

Time to Replace Napolitano

Star Parker

The Obama team knows how to fire CEOs. Surely at least the same standard for performance for GM should be demanded of someone responsible for America's security and American lives.

We choose, you peruse.

  1. White House: No matter what, we're sending Gitmo prisoners back to Yemen By: Byron York
  2. Man Skirts Newark Airport Security; Flights Delayed (FOX)
  3. War? What War? by Charles Krauthammer
  4. Intelligence Is a Terrible Thing to Waste (WSJ)
  5. US releases ‘dangerous' Iranian proxy behind the murder of US troops By Bill Roggio
  6. Iran Expands Its Target List: I was the Marine commander in Beirut in 1983. I've seen these tactics before. (WSJ)
  7. Blowing Up President's Naive Approach to Terrorism By Jack Kelly
  8. TSA nominee misled Congress about accessing confidential records (WA PO)
  9. U.S. tightens international air security (POLITICO)
  10. President Pretends to Get Tough on Yemen ...after a year of neglect. by Stephen F. Hayes
  11. U.S. and U.K. Shut Embassies in Yemen Over Qaeda Threats (NY TIMES)
  12. The wake-up call from Flight 253 by Jeff Jacoby
  13. Feinstein: Halt transfers to Yemen (THE HILL)
  14. Islamic Jewish Blood Libel Exposed! Starving, Suffering "Palestinians" Mighty Fat and Happy (ATLAS SHRUGS)
  15. The 'Fire Napolitano' Debate [Andy McCarthy]
  16. Obama's Year of Living Blamelessly (By Abe Greenwald)
  17. 13 GOP AGs threaten health bill suit (POLITICO)
  18. CIA to Obama: Quit blaming us By: J.P. Freire
  19. Gloom and fury as Pakistan attack toll nears 100 (YAHOO)
  20. Terrorists are usually Muslim. Let's recognize that and act on it. (PAJAMAS)
  21. Low favorables: Dems rip Rasmussen (POLITICO)
  22. MI5 knew of Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab's UK extremist links (TIMES UK)
  23. White House Adviser Briefed in October on Underwear Bomb Technique (NEWSWEEK)
  24. Iran denies entry to Sen. Kerry (THE HILL)
  25. U.S. to Lose $400 Billion on Fannie, Freddie, Wallison Says (BLOOMBERG)

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