Wednesday, January 6, 2010

01-06-10: 2009: The Year of Homegrown Jihad

January 6th

How clueless IS this administration? Obama's failed freshman year. What Bill Ayres saw in Barack Obama. ‘Legislating discrimination.' Are we safer now than we were before noon on 1-20-09? It's Not the Economy, Stupid! It's National Survival!

Click Here



Exclusive: How to Reclaim American Liberty: Live up to Our Responsibilities as American Citizens

The Editors

Have you been asking yourself what you can do to reclaim the principles of liberty that laid the foundation of America? Joining our grassroots coalition is a great start!

Exclusive: Money Talks: Deterring Libel Tourism

Jennifer White

While "The Free Speech Protection Act of 2009" is undoubtedly a step in the right direction, it hardly solves the problems of libel tourism for American authors and journalists. Here's why.

CAIR Condemns U.S. Airport Anti-terrorism Measures

Jim Kouri, CPP

Security experts believe that the measures are reasonable and necessary in order to enhance airport and airline protection and safety.

Middle East Myths and Facts

Joel Gilbert

Common myths about the Middle East and Islamism - debunked.

2009: The Year of Homegrown Jihad

Erick Stakelbeck

2009 showed that Islamic jihadists have never been more active in their attempts to attack the U.S. Many of the plots were hatched by U.S. citizens - homegrown jihadists.

Video: Charles Krauthammer on Underpants Bomber Farouk Abdulmutallab
Video: Helen Thomas to White House: On Terrorist Attack "You Blew It"
Video: Chris Matthews: Every single "teabagger" in America is white
Video: 2006 Flashback: Pelosi Says Dems Will Have Most Honest & Ethical Congress
Video: President Blames Creation of Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula on Gitmo
Video: C-SPAN Health Care Coverage? Does Gibbs Answer the Question?
Bring Israeli security to our airports.
Video: Inside Obama's Oval Office
Video: The Only Thing Worth Dying For - Tribute to the Green Berets.
A war by any other name.
Why Do We Put Our Lives In The Hands Of Those Whose Failures are Manifest?

The War on Terror Is a War - Not a Police Action

Ed Koch

We need to fight - and win.

Obama and the Vampire Congress

Michelle Malkin

Are the Democrats in Congress and President Obama living up to their pledge to be "the most transparent" legislators in American history?

Egyptian Chutzpah

Herbert London

Hypocrisy, thy name is Mubarak.

Exclusive: You Can't Make This Stuff Up! (1/6/10)

The Editors

A daily roundup of idiocy, buffoonery and incompetence - courtesy of your government and its enablers.

Caption Contest: Top Entries - January 06

And the winner is...

We choose, you peruse.

  1. Homeland Security's National Operations Center ‘Unable' to Do Its Job, Inspector General Finds (CNS)
  2. Yemen Captures Al Qaeda Suspects Tied to Plot Against U.S. (AP)
  3. Former CIA boss booted for security breach named to defense intelligence panel (WASHINGTON EXAMINER)
  4. Obama pledges changes on security - Suspends transfers of terror detainees from Guantanamo prison to Yemen (WT)
  5. DHS Decided It Was OK Not to Check Passengers Against Full Terror Watch List (CNS)
  6. No Civilian Trials for Terrorists by Jed Babbin
  7. Sarah Palin: It's War, not a Crime Spree
  8. Comparisons Of Obama To Carter Are Inapt And Unfair (To Carter) (IBD)
  9. One 'Allegedly' Too Many - In her raw and disastrous way, Janet Napolitano is revealing. By DOROTHY RABINOWITZ
  10. The Ramzi Yousef Standard - The Administration has ways of making terrorists not talk. (WSJ)
  11. Flight 253 is a reminder that danger still lurks By: Jay Ambrose
  12. Sources Tell CBS 2 That TSA Surveillance Cameras Were Inoperable At Time Of Terminal C Security Breach
  13. Christmas incident was "screw up" - Obama said (REUTERS)
  14. If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor, at least if you pay cash. (WEEKLY STANDARD)
  15. Hillary Clinton Delivers New Year's Assurances for the Mullahs BY Jennifer Rubin
  16. Obama: U.S. Intelligence Should Have 'Uncovered' Christmas Day Plot (FOX)
  17. Stopping the Next "Underwear Bomber" - by Alan M. Dershowitz
  18. Democrats are Dropping Like Flies (ABC)
  19. White House to State AGs: No 'Legitimate Constitutional Concerns' in Senate Health Care Bill (CNS)
  20. Democrats Considering Health Care-Immigration Deal To Overcome Key Sticking Point
  21. US General Urges Strip Search of Muslim Men
  22. Our Incompetent Civilization - Sometimes we have to choose between evils. (WSJ)
  23. The West Is Choked by Fear (SPIEGEL)
  24. Is Profiling the Solution to Stopping Terrorists? (SULTANKNISH)
  25. Afghan girls flourish in new school (WT)

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