Friday, January 8, 2010

01-08-10: Does al Qaeda Have the Upper Hand in Attacking U.S. National Security?

January 6th

The ‘millennium Barack.' Messianic mystique and mythic mistakes. ‘The God that's failing.' The president's health care gamble. A ‘cold-blooded' foreign policy. Is Europe doomed? Has Obama already failed? What do you know about the new Interpol in the USA?

Click Here



Does al Qaeda Have the Upper Hand in Attacking U.S. National Security?

Dr. Walid Phares

It's an ironic situation when the grand narrative of U.S. official strategy is that we are fighting terrorists in Afghanistan and beyond, so that our defense perimeters are thousands of miles away.

Exclusive: Courts-Martial for Navy SEAL Heroes Still Planned Despite Pressure, Questions

Chris Carter

Courts-martial for three Navy SEALs charged with allegedly mishandling a terrorist detainee will continue despite pressure from both Congress and the American people. But did the alleged abuse even take place?

Video: Ed Koch Dismisses President's Mideast Popularity: ‘Did They Stop Trying to Kill Us?'
Audio: Radio Interview - Sean Hannity Interviews Governor Palin
Video: Napolitano Most Surprised By "Determination Of al-Qaeda"
Video: Rove: Lawyering Up Terrorist Untrained to Withstand Interrogation Was a Horrendous Decision
Video: Real Time 3D Simulation Recreates Flight 1549 Hudson River Landing
Video: Ribbons for Soldiers Banned in Connecticut Town
Video: Rush Limbaugh: December Airplane Terrorist
Let's Make a Deal: Immigration Reform [part of secret healthcare negotiations?]

Exclusive: Was The Court Order that Stripped Hundreds of Chrysler Dealership Owners of their Businesses Legal?

Dianna Cotter

Who engineered one of the most glaring abuses of power in the history of the United States?

U.S. Enlists Dubious Aid in Anti-Terror Campaign

Erick Stakelbeck

The National Counterterrorism Center was established after 9/11 to prevent such intelligence debacles. But critics say the center is enlisting dangerous help in its efforts to battle Islamic jihadists.

The Janus Face of Progressives

Click Here

Frank Salvato

Examples of intellectual malfeasance exist on both sides of the aisle but it is now dramatically more prevalent on the political Left.

Why Is Hillary's State Department Getting UndyBomber Pass?

Michelle Malkin

Even after the close brush with an airline disaster on Christmas Day, the State Department continues to hand out "lottery" visas to potential terrorists. Has Hillary been "briefed" on what's going on?

1st Lt. Michael Behenna: Now is the Time for Justice

Ros Prynn

It's heartbreaking to see yet another of America's finest denied the justice that they serve to bring to other countries around the world.

Exclusive: You Can't Make This Stuff Up! (1/8/10)

The Editors

A daily roundup of idiocy, buffoonery and incompetence - courtesy of your government and its enablers.

First Shots to a Final Splash

Military History, W. Thomas Smith, Jr.

Military Milestones from First Shots to Final Splash.

We choose, you peruse.

  1. Obama Brushes Off Calls for Firings Over Security Failure (FOX)
  2. Dots Unconnected (IBD)
  3. Closing Gitmo: The President's Naive Fixation By CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER
  4. 'A Failure to Connect the Dots' - A lesson in the lack of bureaucratic intelligence. (WSJ)
  5. Obama's latest homeland security fiasco By: BYRON YORK
  6. (Christmas Day)Bomb suspect met with al Qaeda (WT)
  7. Top Terrorism Official - Director Michael Leiter Remained On Ski Slopes After Christmas Day Airline Bombing Attempt (NYDN)
  8. The Meaning of al Qaeda's Double Agent (WSJ)
  9. Bush Did It! And, Really, Bush Did It! And Bush Really Did It! By Victor Davis Hanson
  10. The Man Who Can Stop Obamacare (NRO)
  11. Poverty Does Not Cause Terrorism By ANDREW CLINE
  12. Pentagon Reportedly Finds Large Increase in Gitmo Recidivists (WEEKLY STANDARD)
  13. Obama Releases Security Review of Attempted Bombing - Report Singles Out Counterterrorism Center and CIA for Failing to 'Connect the Dots' (ABC)
  14. Married Couples Pay More Than Unmarried Under Health Bill (WSJ)
  15. When War Is Not Metaphor by SUZANNE FIELDS
  16. CNN Trots out Jihad Teaching Extremist, Calls Him Instructor of Islam (NEWS BUSTERS)
  17. It's a War. Where's the Strategy? (NRO)
  18. CIA, Counterterrorism Execs Managed Bomb Crisis from Afar (CBS)
  19. MS-NBC: Intelligence Failure a 'Conspiracy' against Obama? (AT)
  20. Learn from a system that works (NYPOST)
  21. Detroit attack: US border guards knew alleged terrorist was on flight (TELEGRAPH)
  22. Suicide attack on CIA agents 'was planned by bin Laden inner circle' (TIMES UK)
  23. His 'Highness' or His 'Highhandedness'? by DAVID LIMBAUGH
  24. There's no penalty for sleeping on the job By Wesley Pruden
  25. The New Year Brings Tax Chaos - At least 2010 is a good year to die. (WSJ)

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